POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : "cannot open output file." Server Time
22 Dec 2024 12:17:21 EST (-0500)
  "cannot open output file." (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Blayd
Subject: "cannot open output file."
Date: 22 May 2008 17:45:01
Message: <web.4835e84b3664d52df51b2e730@news.povray.org>
Hello all,
Not a new user, but its been quite awhile and still a very noob learner.
I just installed POV for windows 64, opened it and tried to run the first
opening scenes just to see the differences in this new system as compared to my
older one. I got a Parse error message saying, " Cannot open output file" I
looked at the messages tab and it reads " Cannot open output file C:\Program
Files\Povray For Windows v3.6\Renderer\Rerun\Current.ini to write rerun
information." I looked in the rerun folder and theres no "current.ini" Should
there be? Is this the problem? System is Vista 64 Home Premium SP1.
Thanks in advance for any help and glad to be back!

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: "cannot open output file."
Date: 3 Jun 2008 10:55:22
Message: <48455b5a$1@news.povray.org>
"Blayd" <nomail@nomail> schreef in bericht 
> Hello all,
> Not a new user, but its been quite awhile and still a very noob learner.
> I just installed POV for windows 64, opened it and tried to run the first
> opening scenes just to see the differences in this new system as compared 
> to my
> older one. I got a Parse error message saying, " Cannot open output file" 
> I
> looked at the messages tab and it reads " Cannot open output file 
> C:\Program
> Files\Povray For Windows v3.6\Renderer\Rerun\Current.ini to write rerun
> information." I looked in the rerun folder and theres no "current.ini" 
> Should
> there be? Is this the problem? System is Vista 64 Home Premium SP1.
> Thanks in advance for any help and glad to be back!
If using Windows Vista, you should NOT install Povray into C:\Program 
Files\... Install it in a new folder (for instance: \My Own Programs\...)

Hope this helps. If not, the problem with Vista has been addressed several 
times in these ng's. You can search for those messages.


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From: jm57
Subject: Re: "cannot open output file."
Date: 13 Apr 2010 23:15:01
Message: <web.4bc5310e8295f690d1e7b1580@news.povray.org>
I am having the same problem.  When I attempt to run POV-Ray from the command
line the input file will open, but not the output file.

It seems that the output file's name is being incorrectly parsed.  For example,
if I call pvengine.exe from "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin" and my file to be
rendered is specified as "C:/user/file.pov", then the Messages tab shows the
output file name as "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin/C:/user/file.pov" which cannot
be opened.

Is there any way to change the output file naming?

A related issue - I would like to store my INI file in a non-default directory.
I can see the path under Menu > Renderer > Edit Settings/Renderer but cannot
edit the path name.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

"Blayd" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Not a new user, but its been quite awhile and still a very noob learner.
> I just installed POV for windows 64, opened it and tried to run the first
> opening scenes just to see the differences in this new system as compared to my
> older one. I got a Parse error message saying, " Cannot open output file" I
> looked at the messages tab and it reads " Cannot open output file C:\Program
> Files\Povray For Windows v3.6\Renderer\Rerun\Current.ini to write rerun
> information." I looked in the rerun folder and theres no "current.ini" Should
> there be? Is this the problem? System is Vista 64 Home Premium SP1.
> Thanks in advance for any help and glad to be back!

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: "cannot open output file."
Date: 14 Apr 2010 08:58:06
Message: <4bc5bbde@news.povray.org>
Am 14.04.2010 05:11, schrieb jm57:
> I am having the same problem.  When I attempt to run POV-Ray from the command
> line the input file will open, but not the output file.
> It seems that the output file's name is being incorrectly parsed.  For example,
> if I call pvengine.exe from "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin" and my file to be
> rendered is specified as "C:/user/file.pov", then the Messages tab shows the
> output file name as "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin/C:/user/file.pov" which cannot
> be opened.

Currently, the Windows frontend does not seem to fully support forward 
slashes, failing to recognize "C:/whatever" as an absolute path. If you 
specify "C:\user/file.pov", it should work ok.

I'm already on it - looks like no big deal to fix.

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: "cannot open output file."
Date: 14 Apr 2010 12:21:16
Message: <4bc5eb7c$1@news.povray.org>

> I am having the same problem.  When I attempt to run POV-Ray from the command
> line the input file will open, but not the output file.
> It seems that the output file's name is being incorrectly parsed.  For example,
> if I call pvengine.exe from "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin" and my file to be
> rendered is specified as "C:/user/file.pov", then the Messages tab shows the
> output file name as "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin/C:/user/file.pov" which cannot
> be opened.
> Is there any way to change the output file naming?
> A related issue - I would like to store my INI file in a non-default directory.
> I can see the path under Menu>  Renderer>  Edit Settings/Renderer but cannot
> edit the path name.
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
> JM
> "Blayd"<nomail@nomail>  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Not a new user, but its been quite awhile and still a very noob learner.
>> I just installed POV for windows 64, opened it and tried to run the first
>> opening scenes just to see the differences in this new system as compared to my
>> older one. I got a Parse error message saying, " Cannot open output file" I
>> looked at the messages tab and it reads " Cannot open output file C:\Program
>> Files\Povray For Windows v3.6\Renderer\Rerun\Current.ini to write rerun
>> information." I looked in the rerun folder and theres no "current.ini" Should
>> there be? Is this the problem? System is Vista 64 Home Premium SP1.
>> Thanks in advance for any help and glad to be back!

Adding to what clipka said.

Are you on Vista or Windows 7?
If so, you can't write to ...\programm files\
You should place your generated files in C:\user\...


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From: jm57
Subject: Re: "cannot open output file."
Date: 14 Apr 2010 13:00:01
Message: <web.4bc5f36a8295f690d1e7b1580@news.povray.org>
Alain <aze### [at] qwertyorg> wrote:

> > I am having the same problem.  When I attempt to run POV-Ray from the command
> > line the input file will open, but not the output file.
> >
> > It seems that the output file's name is being incorrectly parsed.  For example,
> > if I call pvengine.exe from "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin" and my file to be
> > rendered is specified as "C:/user/file.pov", then the Messages tab shows the
> > output file name as "C:/Program Files/POV-Ray/bin/C:/user/file.pov" which cannot
> > be opened.
> >
> > Is there any way to change the output file naming?
> >
> > A related issue - I would like to store my INI file in a non-default directory.
> > I can see the path under Menu>  Renderer>  Edit Settings/Renderer but cannot
> > edit the path name.
> >
> > Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
> > JM
> >
> >
> >
> > "Blayd"<nomail@nomail>  wrote:
> >> Hello all,
> >> Not a new user, but its been quite awhile and still a very noob learner.
> >> I just installed POV for windows 64, opened it and tried to run the first
> >> opening scenes just to see the differences in this new system as compared to my
> >> older one. I got a Parse error message saying, " Cannot open output file" I
> >> looked at the messages tab and it reads " Cannot open output file C:\Program
> >> Files\Povray For Windows v3.6\Renderer\Rerun\Current.ini to write rerun
> >> information." I looked in the rerun folder and theres no "current.ini" Should
> >> there be? Is this the problem? System is Vista 64 Home Premium SP1.
> >> Thanks in advance for any help and glad to be back!
> >
> >
> >
> Adding to what clipka said.
> Are you on Vista or Windows 7?
> If so, you can't write to ...\programm files\
> You should place your generated files in C:\user\...
> Alain

@clipka - One backslash was interpreted as an "escaper" character but a double
backslash worked perfectly.  Thanks!

@Alain - I'm using Windows XP but I made sure to avoid Program Files just in

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