POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Can only read bitmaps from 1 or 2 directories. Server Time
23 Feb 2025 16:05:45 EST (-0500)
  Can only read bitmaps from 1 or 2 directories. (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: David Wimp
Subject: Can only read bitmaps from 1 or 2 directories.
Date: 25 Sep 2004 19:40:00
Message: <web.415601338cce1f799facb7af0@news.povray.org>
I am using POV-Ray for Windows 3.5.  I can only read bitmaps from one
directory or two. (I can't seem to read but from one now)  I have copied
the files to other directories but when I try to read them from there I get
"Error opening bitmap".  I have all the script blocking stuff off.  I have
tried saving the POV-Ray source to another directory, but I can still only
read from the original  directory.  It seems that I have to move files in
and out of the blessed directory rather than changing the path in the
program.  Why is that one directory special?

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Can only read bitmaps from 1 or 2 directories.
Date: 26 Sep 2004 14:22:45
Message: <415708f5@news.povray.org>
David Wimp nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004-09-25 19:37... :

>I am using POV-Ray for Windows 3.5.  I can only read bitmaps from one
>directory or two. (I can't seem to read but from one now)  I have copied
>the files to other directories but when I try to read them from there I get
>"Error opening bitmap".  I have all the script blocking stuff off.  I have
>tried saving the POV-Ray source to another directory, but I can still only
>read from the original  directory.  It seems that I have to move files in
>and out of the blessed directory rather than changing the path in the
>program.  Why is that one directory special?
You need to edit the "povray.ini" file. Open it on notepad and scroll to 
the end.
Here, add a new line:
Library_path="<path to your bitmap source>"

You can also add a default output folder for your images like this (same 
Output_file_Name="<some path>\images\"
If you do, you also need to add this line in pvengine.ini in the \ini 
folder in the [Permitted Output Paths] section:
3="<some path>\images\"
both should be the same.


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Can only read bitmaps from 1 or 2 directories.
Date: 7 Oct 2004 07:30:35
Message: <416528db$1@news.povray.org>
"Alain" <aze### [at] qwertygov> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> You need to edit the "povray.ini" file. Open it on notepad and scroll to 
> the end.

Actually, this is wrong. You need to edit the scene specific INI file, not 
the global INI file. The shortcut is to add the dirs on the command-line. 
Either way, editing povray.ini is wrong.


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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Can only read bitmaps from 1 or 2 directories.
Date: 7 Oct 2004 07:57:25
Message: <41652f25@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
> Actually, this is wrong. You need to edit the scene specific INI file, not 
> the global INI file. The shortcut is to add the dirs on the command-line. 
> Either way, editing povray.ini is wrong.

  It's not wrong if the directories in question are generic bitmap
directories used to store bitmaps for many scenes. That is, the
directories are a generic repository for widely-used bitmaps.

  Naturally if the bitmaps are just for one single scene, the
include paths are better added for that scene alone.

  However, without knowing the specifics, it's hard to know which
approach is better.

plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}//  - Warp -

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