I'm assuming that you've already exported the include file. The include file
has 3 declares in it:
- #declare NAME_height = X;
- #declare NAME_stems = mesh2 { };
- #declare NAME_leaves = mesh2 { };
When I exported the desert bush (desert_bush.inc), for example, the "NAME"
was desert_bush_13 and I had:
- #declare desert_bush_13_height = 3.07616;
- #declare desert_bush_13_stems =
- #declare desert_bush_13_leaves = mesh2 {
I don't know where the 13 came from :)
To get a quick look at the tree, I used the following:
camera { location <0,5,5> look_at <0,1,0> angle 60 }
light_source {
<0,20,0> color rgb 1.0
<0,0,0.5>, <0.5,0,0>, 3, 3
adaptive 2
// -+-+-+- Tree -+-+-+-
#include "desert_bush.inc"
object {
texture {
pigment { color rgb <0.57/1.5, 0.41/1.5, 0.37/1.5> }
finish { ambient 0.5 }
object {
texture {
pigment { color rgb <0, 1, 0> }
finish { ambient 0.5 }
Happy rendering,
MontanaSteve wrote:
> I just downloaded the latest version of Arbaro and find that the
> documentation is not designed for new users. All right now, how do I get
> any trees into a POVray scene?. I did a Google seach and most of the sites
> are in languages that I cannot read. Can someone please help me?
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