POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : global settings in pre-scripted light definitions Server Time
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  global settings in pre-scripted light definitions (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Nieman
Subject: global settings in pre-scripted light definitions
Date: 3 Aug 2016 07:15:01
Message: <web.57a1d1cddf429d49663f280c0@news.povray.org>
Hey all,

For creating images I use an pre-scripted textfile in which the light settings
are definded.
Now I need to setup some global settings which can not be setup within this
The script of this file ist written below.
Is there any way to define global settings within an .ini file. Or is there any
command wihtin the script I can use. At my point of view it is not possible to
define global setting in this file, because this commands are read after the
model is rendered...

Thanks for any help!!


; MaxX=            240.0000
; MaxY=           0.0000000
; MaxZ=            500.0000
; MinX=           -260.0000
; MinY=           -400.0000
; MinZ=           0.0000000

CenterX = (MinX + MaxX) / 2.0
CenterY = (MinY + MaxY) / 2.0
CenterZ = (MinZ + MaxZ) / 2.0

CenterZ = CenterZ * -1.0  ; wegen POV hat KOS umgedreht
KameraZ = KameraZ * -1.0  ;
TargetZ = TargetZ * -1.0  ;

;Beispiel: Ein Spot links von der Scene plazieren ..

;SpotX = TargetX -400 ; // nach links
;SpotY = TargetY -6000;
;SpotZ = TargetZ;

Scene = 0;
n = 0
PovScene[Scene][0] = "Zwei Spots"            ; Erste zeile immer die

;Beispiel: Ein Spot rechts von der Scene plazieren .., aber ohne Schatten zu

SpotX = KameraX - 400
SpotY = KameraY - 6000
SpotZ = KameraZ

n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "light_source {  0*x   color rgb <1,1,1>    spotlight "
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "translate <" + SpotX + "," + SpotY + "," + SpotZ + ">"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "point_at <" + CenterX + "," + CenterY + "," + CenterZ +
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "radius 180"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "tightness 50 "
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "falloff 25"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "fade_distance 2000"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "fade_power 1"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "}"

;Beispiel: Ein Spot Mittig in der Scene plazieren

SpotX = CenterX
SpotY = MinY - 500
SpotZ = CenterZ

TargetX = TargetX -400;
TargetY = TargetY -6000

n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "light_source {  0*x   color rgb <1,1,1>    spotlight "
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "translate <" + TargetX + "," + TargetY + "," + TargetZ +
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "point_at <" + CenterX + "," + CenterY + "," + CenterZ +
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "radius 180"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "tightness 50 "
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "falloff 25"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "fade_distance 2000"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "fade_power 1"
n = n+1
PovScene[Scene][n] = "}"

Scene = Scene + 1

PovScene[Scene][1] = "light_source {  0*x   color rgb <1,1,1>    spotlight
fade_power 10"
PovScene[Scene][2] = "translate <" + KameraX + "," + KameraY + "," + KameraZ +
PovScene[Scene][3] = "point_at <" + TargetX + "," + TargetY + "," + TargetZ +
PovScene[Scene][4] = "radius 5"
PovScene[Scene][5] = "tightness 50 "
PovScene[Scene][6] = "falloff 20"
PovScene[Scene][7] = "}"

Scene = Scene + 1
PovScene[Scene][0] = "Einfaches helles Licht"
PovScene[Scene][1] = "light_source { <-5000, -25000, -25000> color White"
PovScene[Scene][2] = "fade_distance 100000 fade_power 2"
PovScene[Scene][3] = "}"

Scene = Scene + 1
PovScene[Scene][0] = "TEST"
PovScene[Scene][1] = "light_source {  0*x   color rgb <1,1,1>    spotlight"
PovScene[Scene][2] = "translate <" + KameraX + "," + KameraY + "," + KameraZ +
PovScene[Scene][3] = "point_at <" + TargetX + "," + TargetY + "," + TargetZ +
PovScene[Scene][4] = "radius 180"
PovScene[Scene][5] = "tightness 50 "
PovScene[Scene][6] = "falloff 25"
PovScene[Scene][7] = "fade_distance 2000"
PovScene[Scene][8] = "fade_power 1"
PovScene[Scene][9] = "}"
PovScene[Scene][10] = "light_source {  0*x   color rgb <1,1,1>    spotlight"
PovScene[Scene][11] = "translate <" + KameraX + "," + KameraY + "," + KameraZ +
PovScene[Scene][12] = "point_at <" + TargetX + "," + TargetY + "," + TargetZ +
PovScene[Scene][13] = "radius 180"
PovScene[Scene][14] = "tightness 50 "
PovScene[Scene][15] = "falloff 25"
PovScene[Scene][16] = "fade_distance 2000"
PovScene[Scene][17] = "fade_power 1"
PovScene[Scene][18] = "}"


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: global settings in pre-scripted light definitions
Date: 3 Aug 2016 09:51:09
Message: <57a1f6cd$1@news.povray.org>
Am 03.08.2016 um 13:13 schrieb Nieman:

> For creating images I use an pre-scripted textfile in which the light settings
> are definded.
> Now I need to setup some global settings which can not be setup within this
> file.
> The script of this file ist written below.
> Is there any way to define global settings within an .ini file. Or is there any
> command wihtin the script I can use. At my point of view it is not possible to
> define global setting in this file, because this commands are read after the
> model is rendered...

Maybe you could elaborate a bit on the workflow you are using, as I
don't think I completely understand what exactly you are doing.
(If you're struggling to explain it in English, feel free to explain it
in German instead.)

The only part I do understand is that you're using some other scripting
language (which one? I don't recognize it) to generate snippets of
POV-Ray scene code (how are they passed to POV-Ray itself?).

My first guess is that POV-Ray's `#include` statement is the key to
whatever you're trying to do.

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