Hi all,
I'm not really a programmer but I'm trying to get Blender's Camera shift to
The idea : for a given camera ( and related perspective ) , it allows to shift
the position of the "image plane" and so being able to trace for this camera a
portion of image normally not inside the current "image plane" without changing
the perspective....
So I create a new token in povray : shifty
It's working...well half the way, I'm trying to get exact result between Blender
and Povray
<a href="http://opendesk.ovh.org/blender.jpg"><img
src="http://opendesk.ovh.org/blender.jpg" border="0"></a>
<a href="http://opendesk.ovh.org/povray.png"><img
src="http://opendesk.ovh.org/povray.png" border="0"></a>
I'm using blend2pov from RCRuiz to export from blender
Here is the code for camera object:
pov<<" perspective";
pov<<" angle "<<2.0 *
while (line){
pov<<" location
if (cam->type & CAM_ORTHO){
pov<<" right "<<cam->ortho_scale<<"*x ";
pov<<" up
"<<cam->ortho_scale/(float(re->r.xsch)/float(re->r.ysch))<<"*y ";
} else
pov<<" right "<<float(re->r.xsch)/float(re->r.ysch)<<"*x";
//pov<<" up y*"<<1+shifty/2;
pov<<" sky
And here is the Blender internal code with shiftx and shifty
/* viewplane fully centered, zbuffer fills in jittered between -.5 and +.5 */
winside= MAX2(re->winx, re->winy);
viewplane.xmin= -0.5f*(float)re->winx + shiftx*winside;
viewplane.ymin= -0.5f*re->ycor*(float)re->winy + shifty*winside;
viewplane.xmax= 0.5f*(float)re->winx + shiftx*winside;
viewplane.ymax= 0.5f*re->ycor*(float)re->winy + shifty*winside;
And I've made this change in Povray
/* Convert the x coordinate to be a DBL from -0.5 to 0.5. */
x0 = x / (DBL)Frame.Screen_Width - 0.5 ;
/* Convert the y coordinate to be a DBL from -0.5 to 0.5. */
y0 = ((DBL)(Frame.Screen_Height - 1 ) - y ) / (DBL)Frame.Screen_Height -
0.5 + Frame.Camera->shifty ;
Any Help ?
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