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is there a 3D Turtle Graphics package for PovRay?
Or can someone show me, how to write one?
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"Andreas Micheler" <And### [at] Student Uni-Augsburg de> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a 3D Turtle Graphics package for PovRay?
> Or can someone show me, how to write one?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
Maybe. Check out this thread, although its almost 10 years old. The link is
RTEvol supports:
* definition of L-System tables for parametric, stochastic, and timed
* definition of tropism vector
* mathematical vector and matrix operations
* a 3D graphics turtle support
* freely programmable (POV-) script output via print() function
* definition of your own functions (C-like)
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"Andreas Micheler" <And### [at] Student Uni-Augsburg de> wrote:
> is there a 3D Turtle Graphics package for PovRay?
Oops! I should've mentioned that this group is ONLY for discussing the
programming of POV itself, ie the POV source code. If you wish to continue
this 3D Logo discussion, we have to do it elsewhere, eg the general,
utilities or advanced groups.
Sorry Thorsten et al!
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"PM 2Ring" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "Andreas Micheler" <And### [at] Student Uni-Augsburg de> wrote:
> > is there a 3D Turtle Graphics package for PovRay?
> Oops! I should've mentioned that this group is ONLY for discussing the
> programming of POV itself, ie the POV source code.
Well, it would be best if these 3D turtle graphics primitives would be
internal routines of PovRay, because else they'd be slow, so I think it's
not too bad to post my question here.
I can contribute some C++ code, because I have written 3D turtle graphics in
my aUCBLogo.
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"Andreas Micheler" <And### [at] Student Uni-Augsburg de> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a 3D Turtle Graphics package for PovRay?
> Or can someone show me, how to write one?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
I wrote the XTurtle package for my own amusement some years ago. It is
written entirely in POV-Ray SDL. XTurtle can construct, coils, swept
surfaces, B-DNA etc. It comes with some examples too. I'm no expert, so I
can't claim it's any good but it has sufficed for my needs. XTurtle can be
downloaded from this URL:
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"Nicholas Shea" <nic### [at] tiscali co uk> wrote:
> "Andreas Micheler" <And### [at] Student Uni-Augsburg de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > is there a 3D Turtle Graphics package for PovRay?
> > Or can someone show me, how to write one?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Andreas
> I wrote the XTurtle package for my own amusement some years ago. It is
> written entirely in POV-Ray SDL. XTurtle can construct, coils, swept
> surfaces, B-DNA etc. It comes with some examples too. I'm no expert, so I
> can't claim it's any good but it has sufficed for my needs. XTurtle can be
> downloaded from this URL:
> http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/oaktree/nshea/development.html
Link dead. Website Gone. Author no longer contactable. Would site admin
please delete my listing/account. Sorry for any inconvenience but
circumstances now dictate that I focus my attention on other matters.
Thanks and goodbye.
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I once coded a 3D-Turtle in MS-Word-VBA:
the Code for the turtle is in a Word-Document,
interpreted by Word-VBA which creates a POV-Ray-File
and sends it to POV-Ray and starts it there.
It's not working good under certain circumstances,
I can post it.
Ich habe mal in Words VBA eine 3D-Turtle implementiert:
der Turtle-Code ist in einem Word-Dokument,
Word-VBA interpretiert diesen und erstellt eine
POV-Ray-Datei und startet Pov-Ray mit dieser.
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