clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Am 09.10.2016 um 11:57 schrieb LanuHum:
> > To build the project in Linux, I wrote a single file CMakeLists.txt
> ...
> > set( SOURCE_ROOT source )
> > set( SOURCE_BASKEND source/backend )
> > set( SOURCE_BASKEND_BOUNDING source/backend/bounding )
> > set( SOURCE_BASKEND_CONTROL source/backend/control )
> > set( SOURCE_BASKEND_LIGHTING source/backend/lighting )
> > set( SOURCE_BASKEND_RENDER source/backend/render )
> > set( SOURCE_BASKEND_SCENE source/backend/scene )
> > set( SOURCE_BASKEND_SUPPORT source/backend/support )
> ...
> Isn't that overly verbose? Can't CMake build the contents of an entire
> directory tree recursively?
> (I guess for your own project you're probably ok with this for now, but
> I'm also interested in exploring the potential of CMake for official
> POV-Ray, so since you're toying around with CMake anyway, I'd be
> grateful if you could investigate a bit further in that direction.)
My problem - poor understanding of English.
No information in Russian.
Russian-speaking programmers write in English.
I hardly found aux_source_directory. :)))))
Usually written CMakeLists.txt for each directory.
But I do not think a large file.
This is much less than: configure.in, configure.ac, makefile.in, prebuild.sh,
bootstrap, makefile and so on.
Yes, I got ready config.h and the source code has disabled some functions.
I need to understand more.
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