James Holsenback <nom### [at] none com> wrote:
> On 11/14/2013 07:51 AM, ideasman42 wrote:
> <snip>
> > - autoconf/automake (not sure it ever worked well)
> well I'll watch you efforts with interest ... I'd like to see the
> unix/linux build process cleaned up. I tired several times but was never
> able to spend enough time with it to make any headway.
Heres the initial effort to support CMake.
Eclipse project file:
- http://www.graphicall.org/ftp/ideasman42/linux_eclipse_povray.png
Clang3.3 output:
- http://www.graphicall.org/ftp/ideasman42/linux_clang33_povray.html
Currently its a single CMakeLists.txt file, which should be broken up, and
theres TODO's listed at the top of the file.
Git repo:
- https://github.com/ideasman42/povray-cmake
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