Am 03.08.2016 um 13:13 schrieb Nieman:
> For creating images I use an pre-scripted textfile in which the light settings
> are definded.
> Now I need to setup some global settings which can not be setup within this
> file.
> The script of this file ist written below.
> Is there any way to define global settings within an .ini file. Or is there any
> command wihtin the script I can use. At my point of view it is not possible to
> define global setting in this file, because this commands are read after the
> model is rendered...
Maybe you could elaborate a bit on the workflow you are using, as I
don't think I completely understand what exactly you are doing.
(If you're struggling to explain it in English, feel free to explain it
in German instead.)
The only part I do understand is that you're using some other scripting
language (which one? I don't recognize it) to generate snippets of
POV-Ray scene code (how are they passed to POV-Ray itself?).
My first guess is that POV-Ray's `#include` statement is the key to
whatever you're trying to do.
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