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sorry if this is an old topic but - is there any way to write a texture that
will respond to corners (outward or inward inward facing)?
The reason I want to do this is to add a weathered and used effect to my
model. The inward corners dirty the outward lighter colors.
Any help on this would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Hmm, not sure I understand what you are after here... sounds like you want
the dents in the surface that are facing inward (towards the center of the
object) to have a specific texture?
Doug Eichenberg
dou### [at] nls net
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Doug Eichenberg wrote:
>Hmm, not sure I understand what you are after here... sounds like you want
>the dents in the surface that are facing inward (towards the center of the
>object) to have a specific texture?
>Doug Eichenberg
>dou### [at] nls net
Sorry I must have phrased it wrong. What I want is away of simulating dirt
collecting in corners.
| dirt effect in here
edge | /
object -----------
And wear on edges (corners)
OUTSIDE lighter (worn) "paint" here
edges of |
object |
Any help appreciated.
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"David" <dh2### [at] iucr org> wrote in message
> Sorry I must have phrased it wrong. What I want is away of simulating dirt
> collecting in corners.
IMHO the short answer is "no" - the longer answer is "yes, but not with just a
Options include image maps or applying appropriate textures to each wall
The problem you/pov faces with this is that the areas where dirt collects say
more about the cleaning-lady's abilities rather than any inherant property of
the point that you want clean/dirty (so, for example, the slope pattern is no
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In article <web.3f26493e63b187465c8e72650@news.povray.org>,
"David" <dh2### [at] iucr org> wrote:
> Sorry I must have phrased it wrong. What I want is away of simulating dirt
> collecting in corners.
And things like paint/tarnish wearing off edges? This is often called a
"patina" effect, you might also find what you want by looking for
"erosion". My curvature pattern patch attempted this (with only some
success, it was far too grainy...I might be able to fix that though). I
think you could generate a DF3 of the object, process it a little, and
use it as a pattern. Or generate a mesh and use an external program to
come up with good vertex textures. For a simple object like a box, you
might be able to just use a spherical pattern.
And a Scientific American article about the same work:
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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