I'm trying to make a small round wooden table. I seem made the base too
tall because I used intersection. this is my test code only. here's the
#include "colors.inc"
background {color White}
color White*1.1
<8,0,0> <0,0,8>
8, 8
adaptive 0
translate <40,180,40>
camera {
location <0,0,11>
look_at 0
angle 40
union {
// Capped Cylinder, closed [or open ended]
// cylinder { <END1>, <END2>, RADIUS [open] }
// END1 = coord of one end of cylinder
// END2 = coord of other end
// RADIUS = size of cylinder
// open = if present, cylinder is hollow, else capped
0*y, .5*y, 4
// open
// Capped Cylinder, closed [or open ended]
// cylinder { <END1>, <END2>, RADIUS [open] }
// END1 = coord of one end of cylinder
// END2 = coord of other end
// RADIUS = size of cylinder
// open = if present, cylinder is hollow, else capped
0*y, 1.5*y, .5
// open
texture {
pigment {color Blue}
My second question is: how do I model a winged-back chair? can I model it
just using code? I ask this because I'm disabled.
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Wade <Zav### [at] aolcom> wrote:
: My second question is: how do I model a winged-back chair?
Perhaps the easiest way of modelling things like chairs for a beginner is
to use properly sized boxes (eg. one flat box is the seat, four long boxes
form the feet and so on). Better get accustomed with POV-Ray coordinate
system and modelling with simple primitives before even trying to model
smooth objects (which is difficult even for the pros).
Here is an example of a simple chair made of boxes:
camera { location <-10,20,-30>/3 look_at 0 angle 35 }
light_source { <100,200,-300>, 1 }
plane { y,-2 pigment { checker rgb 1, rgb .5 } }
#declare Chair =
{ box { <-1,0,-1><1,.2,1> translate y*2 }
box { <-.1,0,-.1><.1,2,.1> translate <-.8,0,-.8> }
box { <-.1,0,-.1><.1,2,.1> translate < .8,0,-.8> }
box { <-.1,0,-.1><.1,2,.1> translate <-.8,0, .8> }
box { <-.1,0,-.1><.1,2,.1> translate < .8,0, .8> }
box { <-.08,0,-.08><.08,2,.08> translate <-.7,1.8,.9> }
box { <-.08,0,-.08><.08,2,.08> translate < .7,1.8,.9> }
box { <-1,0,0><1,1,-.1> translate <0,3,.9> }
{ Chair
pigment { rgb <.8,.6,.4> }
rotate y*-20
translate -y*2
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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