POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : a table base and having problems with modelling : a table base and having problems with modelling Server Time
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  a table base and having problems with modelling  
From: Wade
Date: 6 Sep 2001 18:24:36
Message: <3b97f7a4$1@news.povray.org>
I'm trying  to make a small round wooden table. I seem made the base too
tall because I used intersection. this is my test code only.  here's the

#include "colors.inc"

background {color White}

 color White*1.1
 <8,0,0> <0,0,8>
 8, 8
 adaptive 0
 translate <40,180,40>

camera {
location <0,0,11>
look_at 0
angle 40

union {
  // Capped Cylinder, closed [or open ended]
// cylinder { <END1>, <END2>, RADIUS [open] }
//  END1 = coord of one end of cylinder
//  END2 = coord of other end
// RADIUS = size of cylinder
// open = if present, cylinder is hollow, else capped
  0*y,  .5*y,  4
  // open
// Capped Cylinder, closed [or open ended]
// cylinder { <END1>, <END2>, RADIUS [open] }
//  END1 = coord of one end of cylinder
//  END2 = coord of other end
// RADIUS = size of cylinder
// open = if present, cylinder is hollow, else capped
  0*y,  1.5*y,  .5
  // open
texture {
 pigment {color Blue}

My second question is: how do I model a winged-back chair?  can I model it
just using code?  I ask this because I'm disabled.


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