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I work with moray and now i have a question...
if i make two figures halve into each other...and i want that the texture
run trough from figure one into two....how do i do that?
swe### [at] stads net
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swets wrote:
> Hello,...
> I work with moray and now i have a question...
> if i make two figures halve into each other...and i want that the texture
> run trough from figure one into two....how do i do that?
> greetings....
> swe### [at] stads net
Try asking in moray.win on this very new server.
Good luck.
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Doesn't sound like you're looking to do something POV-Ray or Moray can do.
If I understand correctly, the idea is to blend one objects texture into
another. Only 'blob' does that ideally (that I know of), and meshes could
feasibly I guess too (really don't know about that).
The only real solution I can think of would consist of a 'texture_map' in
which the object textures reside and then is applied to the two converging
objects as a whole.
Don't know if the Moray news groups are going to be as much a help as the
povray.general might be since this might be a question unanswerable in Moray
alone. Anyhow, maybe I'm making this out to be more complex a problem than
it really is and povray.general does have a lot of traffic there for more
swets <swe### [at] stads net> wrote in message news:38235e77@news.povray.org...
> Hello,...
> I work with moray and now i have a question...
> if i make two figures halve into each other...and i want that the texture
> run trough from figure one into two....how do i do that?
> greetings....
> swe### [at] stads net
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swets wrote:
> Hello,...
> I work with moray and now i have a question...
> if i make two figures halve into each other...and i want that the texture
> run trough from figure one into two....how do i do that?
> greetings....
> swe### [at] stads net
union {
Ken Tyler - 1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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If you just want to use the same texture for two different
objects, name your material when you create it and then
assign that same material to both objects. I don't use
Moray, but did a while back.
swets wrote:
> Hello,...
> I work with moray and now i have a question...
> if i make two figures halve into each other...and i want that the texture
> run trough from figure one into two....how do i do that?
> greetings....
> swe### [at] stads net
Steve email mailto:sjl### [at] ndirect co uk
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