Ian Burgmyer wrote:
> In other words, just use a group in Moray ;)
sigh ! A modeller user.
> > A merge operation on the otherhand is a true CSG operation and has
> > specific uses. The main feature of a merge operation is that it will
> > remove the interior surfaces of over lapping objects. This is useful
> > it you don't want a "cell" effect when over lapping several objects
> > since the merge operation removes all internal faces. You will in most
> > cases use this operation only when using clear objects but the are some
> > special cases where you can use it with solid colored objects as well.
> > I would have to dig deep to give you an example of the last but would
> > gladly do so if you are interested.
> Yeah, I'm interested! I'd like to see how the merge operation ticks.
> Don't go through too much trouble, though :)
> Thanks!
> -Ian
Found it. This example is excellent for this thread because it uses both
a union to group together cones with and then uses the merge function in
a non typical usage that clears the inside surfaces. I will leave it as
an experiment to the user to find out why it works. Test in 1 week...
// Super neat geometric shape using the merge function
#declare SnowTex =
texture {
pigment { rgb 1 }
finish {
crand 0.1
ambient 0.6
diffuse 0.2
specular 1
roughness 0.001
brilliance 2
reflection 0.02
#declare MB =
union {
cone { <0,0,0>,1.3,< 0, 1, 0>,-0.25 open}
cone { <0,0,0>,1.3,< 0,-1, 0>,-0.25 open}
cone { <0,0,0>,1.3,< 1, 0, 0>,-0.25 open}
cone { <0,0,0>,1.3,<-1, 0, 0>,-0.25 open}
cone { <0,0,0>,1.3,< 0, 0, 1>,-0.25 open}
cone { <0,0,0>,1.3,< 0, 0,-1>,-0.25 open}
#declare Fk =
merge {
sphere { <0,0,0>,1.1 }
object { MB rotate 0*y}
object { MB rotate 45*z}
object { MB rotate 45*y}
object { MB rotate 45*x}
object { Fk
texture { SnowTex }
scale 2
camera { location<0,0,-9> look_at 0}
light_source { < 100,225,-200> rgb 1}
Ken Tyler
See my 1000+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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Bob Hughes <inv### [at] aol com> wrote:
: Just happened to think, if a unioned CSG is completely opaque is there
: no ray testing done within said CSG?
AFAIK when you shoot a ray, you get _all_ the intersections of that ray
and every surface it hits.
That's why shadow calculations of semi-transparent objects are so fast and
max_trace_level independent.
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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