POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : animations : animations Server Time
15 Oct 2024 19:09:06 EDT (-0400)
From: Julia
Date: 29 Nov 2020 08:35:01
Message: <web.5fc3a28294e603705dacea1d0@news.povray.org>
Im making an animation of the earth and the moon rotating.
I cant make the moon spin around the earth and i dont know where is the problem

#include "colors.inc"

camera {
        location <5,10,-25>
        look_at <0,0,0>
        angle 15
light_source {
        <0,0,0> , Yellow


// słońce

sphere {
        <0,0,0>, 3
   pigment {
                turbulence 5
         color_map {
         [0.0 color <1,0,0>]
         [0.25 color <1,1,0>]
         [1.0 color <1,0.65,0>]
      scale 3
   finish {ambient 1.0}

   scale 1/6


 // księżyc

#declare k =
sphere {
        <18,0,0>, 1
   pigment {
                turbulence 1.4
         color_map {
         [0.0 color <1,1,1>]
         [0.10 color <.5,.5,.5>]
         [1.0 color <.8,.8,.8>]
      scale 2
   finish {ambient 1.0}

   scale 1/6



#declare kk =
 sphere {
        <14,0,0>, 1.5
   pigment {
                turbulence 1.5
         color_map {
         [0.0 color <1,1,1>]
         [0.10 color <0,0.5,0>]
         [1.0 color <0,0,1>]
      scale 2
   finish {ambient 1.0}

   scale 1/6


 union {
 object   { kk


 object { k


 that is all i got so far, i hope somebody got an idea what i can do :))

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