POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Can only output in PICT Server Time
22 Dec 2024 06:05:15 EST (-0500)
  Can only output in PICT (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
Subject: Can only output in PICT
Date: 18 Aug 2004 23:03:15
Message: <noe.falzonPASDEPUB-BEB64A.05030919082004@news.povray.org>

I use POV-Ray 3.6.0 (build 196), and it appears that the onnly format 
for image output is PICT. All the other doesn't work, and before 
anything begins, the message window says "File init error: Cannot open 
output file"

Is it a known bug ? Is there a way to correct this ?


"Je ne deteste que les bourreaux" -- Albert Camus

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Can only output in PICT
Date: 19 Aug 2004 01:53:23
Message: <41244053@news.povray.org>

Falzon <noe### [at] tiscalifr>  wrote:

> I use POV-Ray 3.6.0 (build 196), and it appears that the onnly format
> for image output is PICT. All the other doesn't work, and before
> anything begins, the message window says "File init error: Cannot open
> output file"
> Is it a known bug ? Is there a way to correct this ?

Something like this has never been reported before.  The output works just
fine regardless of the format you are using, so probably you are making some
mistake that is causing this.  Are you certain the folder you ask POV-Ray to
write to is not locked?  Are you certain you did not just miss the error
message for PICT output?

Apart from that, also it is unrelated, you should use the latest version,
which is 3.6.1.


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Günther Dietrich
Subject: Re: Can only output in PICT
Date: 28 Dec 2005 11:46:32
Message: <43b2c168$1@news.povray.org>
"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:

>> I use POV-Ray 3.6.0 (build 196), and it appears that the onnly format
>> for image output is PICT. All the other doesn't work, and before
>> anything begins, the message window says "File init error: Cannot open
>> output file"
>> Is it a known bug ?

Must be one, I have the same problem here.

>>Is there a way to correct this ?

Maybe in the source code.

>Something like this has never been reported before.

There is always a first time.

>The output works just
>fine regardless of the format you are using, so probably you are making some
>mistake that is causing this.  Are you certain the folder you ask POV-Ray to
>write to is not locked?  Are you certain you did not just miss the error
>message for PICT output?

No, there is no error message for Output_File_Type=S. It does simply 
generate a pict file.
With Output_File_Type=T and Output_File_Type=N, I get the message 'File 
Init Error: Cannot open output file.' and no output file.

>Apart from that, also it is unrelated, you should use the latest version,
>which is 3.6.1.

Does it fix this bug?

Best regards,

BTW: G5 w. 2.5G Bytes RAM, Mac OS 10.4.3

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From: Günther Dietrich
Subject: Re: Can only output in PICT
Date: 28 Dec 2005 17:45:13
Message: <43b31579@news.povray.org>

>>Apart from that, also it is unrelated, you should use the latest version,
>>which is 3.6.1.
>Does it fix this bug?

No, it doesn't fix it.

I just mentioned, that I indeed have 3.6.1 installed.
In the 'About POV-Ray for Mac OS...' dialog it reports 'POV-Ray for Mac 
OS Shell 3.6.0 Build 0197'.
File info reports 'POV-Ray 3.6.1 (Build 197)'.

Best regards,

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Can only output in PICT
Date: 29 Dec 2005 08:47:00
Message: <43b3e8d4$1@news.povray.org>

>>>Is it a known bug ?
> Must be one, I have the same problem here.

There is no bug and there *never* was a bug with the image output format.

>>>Is there a way to correct this ?
> Maybe in the source code.

No, some setting *you* supply is invalid - see below.

> No, there is no error message for Output_File_Type=S. It does simply 
> generate a pict file.
> With Output_File_Type=T and Output_File_Type=N, I get the message 'File 
> Init Error: Cannot open output file.' and no output file.

I suppose you are using an INI file rather than the GUI option to set this? 
Most likely you specified an invalid path for the outpt image file somewhere 
along the way. It is impossible for me to tell though.

>>Apart from that, also it is unrelated, you should use the latest version,
>>which is 3.6.1.
> Does it fix this bug?

There is no bug and there *never* was a bug with the image output format.


Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg

I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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