POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Java on Mac? Server Time
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  Java on Mac? (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Tom Stone
Subject: Java on Mac?
Date: 31 Jul 2004 20:53:26
Message: <410C3F03.9D285842@swipnet.se>
Several interesting Java programs, with pov-outputs, have appeared that
would be interesting to try out.

Problem is; I do not know how to get them to run.
If I double-click the .JAR files, nothing happens.
And the MRJ Applet Runner turns out to be equally useless.

Does anyone here have any advice?

Tom Stone

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Java on Mac?
Date: 1 Aug 2004 04:07:34
Message: <410ca4c6@news.povray.org>
In article <410C3F03.9D285842@swipnet.se> , Tom Stone <tom### [at] swipnetse>

> Several interesting Java programs, with pov-outputs, have appeared that
> would be interesting to try out.
> Problem is; I do not know how to get them to run.
> If I double-click the .JAR files, nothing happens.
> And the MRJ Applet Runner turns out to be equally useless.
> Does anyone here have any advice?

Newer Java programs requires a newer version of Java, which is only
available on Mac OS X.  One of Apple's ideas to force people to move to Mac
OS X :-(


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: David Nedrow
Subject: Re: Java on Mac?
Date: 6 Aug 2004 22:59:36
Message: <41144598$1@news.povray.org>
Tom Stone wrote:
> Several interesting Java programs, with pov-outputs, have appeared that
> would be interesting to try out.
> Problem is; I do not know how to get them to run.
> If I double-click the .JAR files, nothing happens.
> And the MRJ Applet Runner turns out to be equally useless.
> Does anyone here have any advice?


It sounds as though you're running OS 9. Is that correct? If so, I'm not 
sure you're going to have much luck with getting current Java apps to run.

If you're using OS X, then you simply use the following command from a 
terminal to run the app:

java -jar jar-file

That should be it.


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From: Tom Stone
Subject: Re: Java on Mac?
Date: 6 Aug 2004 23:49:49
Message: <41145150.9B29018B@swipnet.se>
David Nedrow wrote:

> It sounds as though you're running OS 9. Is that correct? If so, I'm not
> sure you're going to have much luck with getting current Java apps to run.

Yep, OS 9.2.2. And as I understood from Thorsten's reply, Java programs can't
be run on my platform anymore.
Not much of a disappointment though, I've never had much success with Java
programs before this either.
If they even run at all, they are usually painfully slow. A mystery that it
has gained such popularity.

I'm grateful for your answer though. Thanks!
Tom Stone

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From: RJay Hansen
Subject: Re: Java on Mac?
Date: 9 Aug 2004 11:44:53
Message: <41179bf5@news.povray.org>
Tom Stone wrote:
> David Nedrow wrote:
>>It sounds as though you're running OS 9. Is that correct? If so, I'm not
>>sure you're going to have much luck with getting current Java apps to run.
> Yep, OS 9.2.2. And as I understood from Thorsten's reply, Java programs can't
> be run on my platform anymore.
> Not much of a disappointment though, I've never had much success with Java
> programs before this either.
> If they even run at all, they are usually painfully slow. A mystery that it
> has gained such popularity.
> I'm grateful for your answer though. Thanks!
> Tom Stone

You might want to check out Art of Illusion, a full-featured java 
modeler/renderer. It has a third party-written POV export module which 
works quite well in my testing.

I haven't tested it in OS 9 recently, but it did run great in 9 the last 
time I tried (the developer was writing it in Mac OS 9 originally). 
Their web site is down this morning apparently (Aug 9 U.S. time) but the 
URL is:


It's worth a look.

BTW, you can run Java programs in 9, but 9 only supports an older 
version of Java (1.1 I think) and most newer stuff is using a newer 
version of Java that 9 won't run.


(one of these days I'll finish updating my site's listing of Mac POV 
modelers/utilities and which ones work in OS 9 and/or OS X)

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From: Tom Stone
Subject: Re: Java on Mac?
Date: 11 Aug 2004 00:00:18
Message: <411999BF.45F87210@swipnet.se>
RJay Hansen wrote:

> You might want to check out Art of Illusion, a full-featured java
> modeler/renderer. It has a third party-written POV export module which
> works quite well in my testing.
> I haven't tested it in OS 9 recently, but it did run great in 9 the last
> time I tried

Thanks!  I tried a previous version, and it looked promising - however, the last
version requires OSX.


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From: David Nedrow
Subject: Re: Java on Mac?
Date: 20 Aug 2004 11:23:30
Message: <41261772$1@news.povray.org>
Tom Stone wrote:

> If they even run at all, they are usually painfully slow. A mystery that it
> has gained such popularity.

This is really just a general followup.

Certainly, when Java first hit the scene, building applications with it 
was problematic for two reasons: one, the runtime engine was very slow, 
and two, hardware wasn't really ready for it.

Now, both of these problems are gone and Java applications generally run 
very fast now.


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