POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : New to Macintosh - how to install? : Re: New to Macintosh - how to install? Server Time
5 Oct 2024 15:29:29 EDT (-0400)
  Re: New to Macintosh - how to install?  
From: Alessio R Sangalli
Date: 8 Sep 2023 12:54:45
Message: <64fb51d5$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/8/23 12:15 AM, kurtz le pirate wrote:

> You can now move these folder anywhere on your disk.
> Run "POVRay 3.7.0.x.app" (double-clic), go to "Preferences"
> and adjust "System Include Paths" according to your installation location.

OK I did it, thanks for the instructions, I would have never been able 
to figure it out by myself. Under Linux it's so much more... automated 
maybe? All these manual steps are pretty confusing to me, may I suggest 
the author of this port, whose work I really appreciate, to add some 
installation instructions for the next people? So far in my limited 
experience with MAC, most applications show an icon to drag in order to 
install and that's it.

The next step I wanted to inquire about, I am not sure how to call 
pov-ray from the command line. I typically build scenes that use a 
Makefile to render sections according to dependencies, and under Linux I 
just call the rendering engine that is in the PATH. Do I just have to 
add the /Applications/PovRay... to the system PATH?

Thank you

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