On 07/09/2023 17:30, Alessio R Sangalli wrote:
> Hello, I am a new APPLE user. I have found, thanks to a link provided in
> this newsgroup, the website https://povrayunofficial.wordpress.com
> I have a brand new computer and I wanted to install the POV-ray. I got
> the two zip files, but I have no idea where to unpack them for proper
> installation. I know how to do it in Linux but for MAC I am very hesitant.
> Thank you for any clarification you might give me.
So I think you downloaded these two files :
- PovRay3.7.0.9-universal app.zip
- PovRay3.7.0.9-universal-Scenes-IncludeFiles-Docs.zip
Double-clic this two zip file give you to folders :
- PovRay3.7.0.9-universal app
- PovRay3.7.0.9-universal-Scenes-IncludeFiles-Docs
Folder "PovRay3.7.0.9-universal app" contains the main
application with a few files to read once.
Folder "PovRay3.7.0.9-universal-Scenes-IncludeFiles-Docs" contains
doc, include, ini, scenes... which you can copy into the application
folder (yes, you can ignore duplicates). All utils files/folders in the
same folder.
You can now move these folder anywhere on your disk.
Run "POVRay 3.7.0.x.app" (double-clic), go to "Preferences"
and adjust "System Include Paths" according to your installation location.
Have fun with POV ;)
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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