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Actually I think the question applies to all renderers. I was wondering about
this when I noticed one of my scenes was using up almost 3 GiB of memory. What's
the time ratio between the CPU doing calculations and the CPU waiting for the
data fetch to complete?
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From: clipka
Subject: Re: How much does memory bandwidth affect Pov?
Date: 23 Mar 2010 07:36:01
Message: <4ba8a7a1@news.povray.org>
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jhu schrieb:
> Actually I think the question applies to all renderers. I was wondering about
> this when I noticed one of my scenes was using up almost 3 GiB of memory. What's
> the time ratio between the CPU doing calculations and the CPU waiting for the
> data fetch to complete?
I just did an experiment which might give a hint:
My Intel i7 QuadCore machine provides hyperthreading, that is each core
can operate on two threads quasi-simultaneously, quickly switching
between them in case one of them needs to wait for some not-on-chip
component (such as main memory) to complete an operation.
Running with the default of 8 threads (i.e. fully utilizing the
hyperthreading mechanism), POV-Ray 3.7 beta took 54 seconds to complete
a particular scene.
Running with only 4 threads (i.e. utilizing all cores, but not
hyperthreading), the same scene took 87 seconds to complete.
I think this indicates that render threads do indeed spend quite some
time waiting for memory accesses to complete, otherwise hyperthreading
would not give much added benefit. OTOH I think it also shows that
memory latency (i.e. the time it takes to complete a particular memory
request) is more of an issue than memory bandwidth (i.e. the maximum
speed at which memory content can be read), as hyperthreading cannot
help with a memory bandwidth bottleneck either (it would only increase
the number of threads standing by for data from the main memory).
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> jhu schrieb:
>> Actually I think the question applies to all renderers. I was
>> wondering about
>> this when I noticed one of my scenes was using up almost 3 GiB of
>> memory. What's
>> the time ratio between the CPU doing calculations and the CPU waiting
>> for the
>> data fetch to complete?
> I just did an experiment which might give a hint:
> My Intel i7 QuadCore machine provides hyperthreading, that is each core
> can operate on two threads quasi-simultaneously, quickly switching
> between them in case one of them needs to wait for some not-on-chip
> component (such as main memory) to complete an operation.
> Running with the default of 8 threads (i.e. fully utilizing the
> hyperthreading mechanism), POV-Ray 3.7 beta took 54 seconds to complete
> a particular scene.
> Running with only 4 threads (i.e. utilizing all cores, but not
> hyperthreading), the same scene took 87 seconds to complete.
> I think this indicates that render threads do indeed spend quite some
> time waiting for memory accesses to complete, otherwise hyperthreading
> would not give much added benefit. OTOH I think it also shows that
> memory latency (i.e. the time it takes to complete a particular memory
> request) is more of an issue than memory bandwidth (i.e. the maximum
> speed at which memory content can be read), as hyperthreading cannot
> help with a memory bandwidth bottleneck either (it would only increase
> the number of threads standing by for data from the main memory).
We need a computer with 3 GHz RAM and a 3 MHz hex core CPU. RAW bus
speed, doubled using DDR, then tripled using triple channel... Add a
little cache and you get almost no memory wait. Then, you put some
dedicated stack buffers on the die to further reduce main memory access.
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From: clipka
Subject: Re: How much does memory bandwidth affect Pov?
Date: 23 Mar 2010 16:27:50
Message: <4ba92446@news.povray.org>
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Alain schrieb:
>> I think this indicates that render threads do indeed spend quite some
>> time waiting for memory accesses to complete, otherwise hyperthreading
>> would not give much added benefit. OTOH I think it also shows that
>> memory latency (i.e. the time it takes to complete a particular memory
>> request) is more of an issue than memory bandwidth (i.e. the maximum
>> speed at which memory content can be read), as hyperthreading cannot
>> help with a memory bandwidth bottleneck either (it would only increase
>> the number of threads standing by for data from the main memory).
> We need a computer with 3 GHz RAM and a 3 MHz hex core CPU. RAW bus
> speed, doubled using DDR, then tripled using triple channel... Add a
> little cache and you get almost no memory wait. Then, you put some
> dedicated stack buffers on the die to further reduce main memory access.
I guess with a 3 MHz CPU (even a hex core), crappy old DIL-socket RAM
from the late '80s would be sufficiently fast to keep all cores busy :-P
Also note that neither memory clock speed nor DDR nor number of channels
give you /any/ benefit at all if latency is your issue. All they do is
increase your bandwidth (which, as pointed out before, doesn't seem to
be such an issue with POV-Ray); latency hasn't improved much in recent
years. Typically, the average high-speed super-RAM needs just so many
more clock cycles to complete a read operation that the latency remains
as bad as (or occasionally even worse than) what you'd get with slower
So all that can be done about it is more L1 and L2 cache or praying for
a RAM technology breakthrough.
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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: How much does memory bandwidth affect Pov?
Date: 23 Mar 2010 17:11:18
Message: <4ba92e76@news.povray.org>
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clipka wrote:
> a RAM technology breakthrough.
Or maybe a fundamental physics breakthrough. The reciprocal of three GHz is
about 5 inches.
Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
Yes, we're traveling togeher,
but to different destinations.
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From: "Jérôme M. Berger"
Subject: Re: How much does memory bandwidth affect Pov?
Date: 23 Mar 2010 17:29:15
Message: <4ba932ab@news.povray.org>
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clipka wrote:
> Also note that neither memory clock speed nor DDR nor number of channel
> give you /any/ benefit at all if latency is your issue. All they do is
> increase your bandwidth (which, as pointed out before, doesn't seem to
> be such an issue with POV-Ray); latency hasn't improved much in recent
> years. Typically, the average high-speed super-RAM needs just so many
> more clock cycles to complete a read operation that the latency remains
> as bad as (or occasionally even worse than) what you'd get with slower
> chips.
> So all that can be done about it is more L1 and L2 cache or praying for
> a RAM technology breakthrough.
Well, Rambus had a much lower latency than DDR...
mailto:jeb### [at] free fr
Jabber: jeb### [at] jabber fr
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Darren New schrieb:
> clipka wrote:
>> a RAM technology breakthrough.
> Or maybe a fundamental physics breakthrough. The reciprocal of three GHz
> is about 5 inches.
How far away from the CPU are your memory modules?
5 inches should suffice in that respect; at worst, one could design a
mainboard with the memory modules on the back side, just opposite the
CPU (of course this would require a nonstandard casing, and probably
different CPU sockets, too).
Compared to the lacenty of SRAM as such, the latency due to distance is
still not much of a problem AFAIK.
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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: How much does memory bandwidth affect Pov?
Date: 25 Mar 2010 18:34:27
Message: <4babe4f3@news.povray.org>
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clipka wrote:
> How far away from the CPU are your memory modules?
How twisty are the wires inside? How much heat do you have to dissipate
(which is really more the problem)?
But sure, that's why Cray supercomputers are in a cylindrical shape - the
bus in the middle is shorter that way.
Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
Yes, we're traveling togeher,
but to different destinations.
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clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> jhu schrieb:
> > Actually I think the question applies to all renderers. I was wondering about
> > this when I noticed one of my scenes was using up almost 3 GiB of memory. What's
> > the time ratio between the CPU doing calculations and the CPU waiting for the
> > data fetch to complete?
> I just did an experiment which might give a hint:
> My Intel i7 QuadCore machine provides hyperthreading, that is each core
> can operate on two threads quasi-simultaneously, quickly switching
> between them in case one of them needs to wait for some not-on-chip
> component (such as main memory) to complete an operation.
> Running with the default of 8 threads (i.e. fully utilizing the
> hyperthreading mechanism), POV-Ray 3.7 beta took 54 seconds to complete
> a particular scene.
> Running with only 4 threads (i.e. utilizing all cores, but not
> hyperthreading), the same scene took 87 seconds to complete.
> I think this indicates that render threads do indeed spend quite some
> time waiting for memory accesses to complete, otherwise hyperthreading
> would not give much added benefit. OTOH I think it also shows that
> memory latency (i.e. the time it takes to complete a particular memory
> request) is more of an issue than memory bandwidth (i.e. the maximum
> speed at which memory content can be read), as hyperthreading cannot
> help with a memory bandwidth bottleneck either (it would only increase
> the number of threads standing by for data from the main memory).
I just replaced my Athlon 64 LE-1640 (2.6 GHz) with an Athlon 2 x4 @ 2.8 GHz.
What I found puzzling was that the LE-1640 runs the benchmark scene in ~20
minutes whereas the the Athlon 2, despite being clocked higher, runs the scene
in ~ 25 minutes. All other factors on the software side are the same. The only
reason I can think of for the slower rendering time is that each core from the
Athlon 2 has 512k of L2 cache whereas the LE-1640 has 1024k of L2 cache.
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