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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Needed: Oxen, Ancient Roman Soldiers and Sailors, Ship Hull
Date: 21 May 2010 15:17:54
Message: <4bf6dc62@news.povray.org>
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Hi everyone,
I have a request to make. I am in need for the following things in POV-Ray
- oxen (just as they are, but six different walking poses required)
- ancient Roman sea soldiers (4th century AD, see http://RomanArmyTalk.com)
- ancient Roman sailors (4th century AD)
- ancient Roman ship hull (I can assist with full-detailed sketches here)
- modern battleship hull (any battleship will do, just a plain hull, no
details like bulleyes required)
Is there anyone who can assist? Thanks a lot!
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"Sven Littkowski" <Sve### [at] Jamaica-Focus com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a request to make. I am in need for the following things in POV-Ray
> code:
> - oxen (just as they are, but six different walking poses required)
> - ancient Roman sea soldiers (4th century AD, see http://RomanArmyTalk.com)
> - ancient Roman sailors (4th century AD)
> - ancient Roman ship hull (I can assist with full-detailed sketches here)
> - modern battleship hull (any battleship will do, just a plain hull, no
> details like bulleyes required)
> Is there anyone who can assist? Thanks a lot!
I would like to see the detailed sketches. Depending on the complexity, I could
probably do it in Wings.
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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Needed: Oxen, Ancient Roman Soldiers and Sailors, Ship Hull
Date: 29 May 2010 22:18:16
Message: <4c01cae8@news.povray.org>
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Hi, and big thanks!
Just a normal battleship hull, like the YAMATO. The hull wouldn't need many
details, not even bulleyes, rudders and propulsion. And while the original
YAMATO had a unique back of the hull, I don't require that. I need just a
regual back (end) of the ship hull like the US battleships. But what I like,
is the partially slightly diagonal deck of the YAMATO.
Can this description work for you?
Also, have you ever tried to develop with WINGS the hull of an ancient Roman
ship? Please visit http://navis.terraromana.org/Forum and get some first
ideas, and tell me if you would like to assist me there, too. Thanks!
> I would like to see the detailed sketches. Depending on the complexity, I
> could
> probably do it in Wings.
> -Reactor
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