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A windows binary for beta 36 is up at http://www.povray.org/beta/. Source
will follow soon.
There are not many bug fixes vs beta 35a. The primary change in this
release is the removal of the beta timeout in favour of a internet-based
update check (which, while available in official releases, was not part of
the windows beta until now). This allows us more flexibility in release
cycles as we concentrate on finishing the documentation and getting some of
the remaining bugs sorted.
There is still a hard timeout in the beta which is set to 1 January 2011;
the final, full release of 3.7 will be out before that runs out.
-- Chris
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Thanks! BTW what's the status on the proximity pattern?
-Nekar Xenos-
On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 17:23:42 +0200, Chris Cason
<del### [at] deletethistoo povray org> wrote:
> A windows binary for beta 36 is up at http://www.povray.org/beta/. Source
> will follow soon.
> There are not many bug fixes vs beta 35a. The primary change in this
> release is the removal of the beta timeout in favour of a internet-based
> update check (which, while available in official releases, was not part
> of
> the windows beta until now). This allows us more flexibility in release
> cycles as we concentrate on finishing the documentation and getting some
> of
> the remaining bugs sorted.
> There is still a hard timeout in the beta which is set to 1 January 2011;
> the final, full release of 3.7 will be out before that runs out.
> -- Chris
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Nekar Xenos schrieb:
> Thanks! BTW what's the status on the proximity pattern?
Still pending. Code author (me) not yet happy enough with the
implementation, and hasn't found the time yet to improve on it.
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clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Nekar Xenos schrieb:
> > Thanks! BTW what's the status on the proximity pattern?
> Still pending. Code author (me) not yet happy enough with the
> implementation, and hasn't found the time yet to improve on it.
As much as I hate asking about "when will it be done", I'd like to inquire about
Beta 37. Normally I would just wait, but the #for directive and the aoi pattern
(that seem to be implemented, according to the bug tracker) are two very
beautiful and anticipated additions (no kidding - can't wait to use #for!).
Any information about when it will be released, or a "36a" release?
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