On Friday, March 08, 2002 7:26 PM
"Bill DeWitt" <bde### [at] cflrrcom> wrote in message
> So they are not trying to have the shortest code, but are shooting for
> the second shortest code?
tiny tiny lol.
Now get out of your time machine and join us in the present!
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On 8 Apr 2002 20:30:40 -0400, Steve wrote:
> Send them over.
This was an offer to do the whole thing, if you send me the zip file
when it's ready I'll render and convert them - let me know if someone
else will be doing it, but in this thread nobody seemed willing to do
the whole thing.
I can write a simple perl script that will render and do the various
#local i=.1;#local I=(i/i)/i;#local l=(i+i)/i;#local ll=(I/i)/l;box{<-ll,
-((I/I)+l),-ll><ll,-l,ll>pigment{checker scale l}finish{ambient((I/l)/I)+
(l/I)}}sphere{<i-i,l-l,(I/l)>l/l pigment{rgb((I/l)/I)}finish{reflection((
I/l)/I)-(l/I)specular(I/l)/I}}light_source{<I-l,I+I,(I-l)/l>l/l} // Steve
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