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Hello anyone or everyone,
I've been going into a local used book/software
store for ten years and always dutifully check
the graphics section for POV books, never, quite
frankly, expecting to find anything.
Today I check and saw those magical letters: POV.
Oh...my...god, I thought, the Holy Grail.
Well, not quite. What I found was:
The Waite Group [?]
(published 1994)
Ok, besides the fact that I don't own a Mac
(only wish to) and that it doesn't have the
CD (Damn!), only the floppy with a version of
Pov 2.0, I still think it's pretty cool.
(A bunch of color plates with, among others,
a lot of Mike Miller's stuff that I've never
seen before.)
My question is this: Is this a 'find?'
I've read questions about pov books before,
but mostly from people looking for...well,
actual help. This seems to have mostly historical
value (besides some nice graphics.)
So, even though you might say, "Oh, he's so
20th century, what with his 'books' and his
'wheel' and his 'fire'," I like the whole
book thang. Something to curl up with before
Oh, an added plus-it has a page from a 1993 article
about POV from POPULAR MECHANICS.Man, did I dig
that mag when I was a kid!)
Am I still talking?
Peter Warren
A Proud PovRay user since 1996
war### [at] hotmail com
(Sorry about that heading: Read Me. I just couldn't
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Marked read :-)
Yeah, gee, I left amazon.com a note to e-mail me if that book (the PC
version I figured, didn't know of a Mac one) were ever there. Nothing in
the last year heard about it. I'd say it must be a rarity to come across
Think I also asked another online bookstore to let me know if they ever get
one, I probably should redo that to keep current and active. Except... I'm
kind of less interested now, but maybe as it becomes even more *historical*
I'll want one for sure.
Bob H.
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They never did one for the PC. I have an old book that had polyray.
Pretty cool. Showed how to do lots of complex animation stuff. In fact
I had two. An animation book and a raytracing book. I think they were
both polyray.
"Bob H." wrote:
> Marked read :-)
> Yeah, gee, I left amazon.com a note to e-mail me if that book (the PC
> version I figured, didn't know of a Mac one) were ever there. Nothing in
> the last year heard about it. I'd say it must be a rarity to come across
> one.
> Think I also asked another online bookstore to let me know if they ever get
> one, I probably should redo that to keep current and active. Except... I'm
> kind of less interested now, but maybe as it becomes even more *historical*
> I'll want one for sure.
> Bob H.
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I saw one about 6 years ago, called (I think) "Adventures in Raytracing".
Not sure if it came with POV or Polyray (the latter I think).
"Nick Portelli" <por### [at] pilot msu edu> wrote in message
> They never did one for the PC. I have an old book that had polyray.
> Pretty cool. Showed how to do lots of complex animation stuff. In fact
> I had two. An animation book and a raytracing book. I think they were
> both polyray.
> "Bob H." wrote:
> >
> > Marked read :-)
> >
> > Yeah, gee, I left amazon.com a note to e-mail me if that book (the PC
> > version I figured, didn't know of a Mac one) were ever there. Nothing
> > the last year heard about it. I'd say it must be a rarity to come
> > one.
> > Think I also asked another online bookstore to let me know if they ever
> > one, I probably should redo that to keep current and active. Except...
> > kind of less interested now, but maybe as it becomes even more
> > I'll want one for sure.
> >
> > Bob H.
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On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 07:05:06 -0400, Nick Portelli wrote:
>They never did one for the PC. I have an old book that had polyray.
>Pretty cool. Showed how to do lots of complex animation stuff. In fact
>I had two. An animation book and a raytracing book. I think they were
>both polyray.
I have a copy of "Ray Tracing Creations" by Chris Young and Drew Wells.
It came with a PC floppy that contained POV 2.2 for DOS.
#macro R(L P)sphere{L F}cylinder{L P F}#end#macro P(V)merge{R(z+a z)R(-z a-z)R(a
-z-z-z a+z)torus{1F clipped_by{plane{a 0}}}translate V}#end#macro Z(a F T)merge{
P(z+a)P(z-a)R(-z-z-x a)pigment{rgbf 1}hollow interior{media{emission 3-T}}}#end
Z(-x-x.2x)camera{location z*-10rotate x*90normal{bumps.02scale.05}}
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Ron Parker wrote:
> I have a copy of "Ray Tracing Creations" by Chris Young and Drew Wells.
> It came with a PC floppy that contained POV 2.2 for DOS.
would that be the one with a dove on the front?
if so - Snap! (or at least, i *had* it...)
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ben paschke wrote:
> Ron Parker wrote:
> > I have a copy of "Ray Tracing Creations" by Chris Young and Drew Wells.
> > It came with a PC floppy that contained POV 2.2 for DOS.
> would that be the one with a dove on the front?
> if so - Snap! (or at least, i *had* it...)
See also - http://members.iquest.net/~cyoung/ray/
Ken Tyler
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On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 19:47:38 -0700, Ken wrote:
>ben paschke wrote:
>> Ron Parker wrote:
>> > I have a copy of "Ray Tracing Creations" by Chris Young and Drew Wells.
>> > It came with a PC floppy that contained POV 2.2 for DOS.
>> would that be the one with a dove on the front?
>> if so - Snap! (or at least, i *had* it...)
>See also - http://members.iquest.net/~cyoung/ray/
Right. Mine is the first one on Chris' page, with the domed city. The one
with the dove was Ray Tracing Worlds, obviously.
It's pretty amazing to look at what was considered the best of the best then
and compare it to any recent IRTC winners...
#local R=rgb 99;#local P=R-R;#local F=pigment{gradient x}box{0,1pigment{gradient
y pigment_map{[.5F pigment_map{[.3R][.3F color_map{[.15red 99][.15P]}rotate z*45
translate x]}]#local H=pigment{gradient y color_map{[.5P][.5R]}scale 1/3}[.5F
pigment_map{[.3R][.3H][.7H][.7R]}]}}}camera{location.5-3*z}//only my opinions
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Andy Cocker wrote:
> I saw one about 6 years ago, called (I think) "Adventures in Raytracing".
I have that book- that's the one that got me into all
of this- it had POLYRAY and the reason I got it over
the POV one at the time was because the POLYRAY one
worked without a math co-processor... not a slow way to
trace- a dead STOP way to trace- but it got me hooked
> Not sure if it came with POV or Polyray (the latter I think).
yup. And a HORRIBLE modeller programmed in some sort
of BASIC- POVCAD I believe...
The book was rather badly written now that I look at it
and could have used a lot more clarifying points...
> Andy
> "Nick Portelli" <por### [at] pilot msu edu> wrote in message
> news:3B308362.87FC2AA1@pilot.msu.edu...
> > They never did one for the PC. I have an old book that had polyray.
> > Pretty cool. Showed how to do lots of complex animation stuff. In fact
> > I had two. An animation book and a raytracing book. I think they were
> > both polyray.
> >
> > "Bob H." wrote:
> > >
> > > Marked read :-)
> > >
> > > Yeah, gee, I left amazon.com a note to e-mail me if that book (the PC
> > > version I figured, didn't know of a Mac one) were ever there. Nothing
> in
> > > the last year heard about it. I'd say it must be a rarity to come
> across
> > > one.
> > > Think I also asked another online bookstore to let me know if they ever
> get
> > > one, I probably should redo that to keep current and active. Except...
> I'm
> > > kind of less interested now, but maybe as it becomes even more
> *historical*
> > > I'll want one for sure.
> > >
> > > Bob H.
But why bother? I'm not interesting.
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Dearmad wrote:
> Andy Cocker wrote:
> >
> > I saw one about 6 years ago, called (I think) "Adventures in Raytracing".
> I have that book- that's the one that got me into all
> of this- it had POLYRAY
Yeah, Polyray is still a whole stack of fun to play with. So much versatility!
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