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I need to know how to make a plane as a background that can basically take
place of the black void, but the plane is situated where my object casts a
shadow on it. How do I make the plane where no shadow can be cast on it;
perhaps through it?
Thanks a lot.
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"parasonic" <par### [at] home com> wrote in message
> I need to know how to make a plane as a background that can basically take
> place of the black void, but the plane is situated where my object casts a
> shadow on it. How do I make the plane where no shadow can be cast on it;
> perhaps through it?
I am not quite sure what you are asking, but I think you might want a)
"shadowless" lights, b) skysphere.
The keyword "shadowless" inside a light statement will make your light
illuminate your object without throwing shadows. A skysphere is a sphere
upon which shadows do not seem to land and which is, for all practical
purposes, infinite.
Perhaps if you told us exactly what you were trying to do...
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Wasn't it parasonic who wrote:
>I need to know how to make a plane as a background that can basically take
>place of the black void, but the plane is situated where my object casts a
>shadow on it. How do I make the plane where no shadow can be cast on it;
>perhaps through it?
You might consider using a sky_sphere as a background instead of a
plane. You don't get shadows on a sky_sphere, and if you move the camera
there's no danger of seeing the edge.
Or, if you want the background to be a single colour you can use a
"background" command instead of the plane.
If your sure you want to keep the plane, change its finish to
{ambient 1 diffuse 0}
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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I was basically looking for a skysphere. I've got it now.
Thanks a lot.
"Bill DeWitt" <bde### [at] cfl rr com> wrote in message
> "parasonic" <par### [at] home com> wrote in message
> news:3b225c25$1@news.povray.org...
> > I need to know how to make a plane as a background that can basically
> > place of the black void, but the plane is situated where my object casts
> > shadow on it. How do I make the plane where no shadow can be cast on it;
> > perhaps through it?
> I am not quite sure what you are asking, but I think you might want a)
> "shadowless" lights, b) skysphere.
> The keyword "shadowless" inside a light statement will make your light
> illuminate your object without throwing shadows. A skysphere is a sphere
> upon which shadows do not seem to land and which is, for all practical
> purposes, infinite.
> Perhaps if you told us exactly what you were trying to do...
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