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Howdy, all -
Have been looking for the Bryce3 that was distributed with the magazine.
Metacreations has washed their hands of it, and Corel says it's not
available. I even wrote to the magazine, but they didn't respond. So - if
any of y'all kind people who got this software could think of a way to
transport it to me, I would be forever grateful. (and, since I've broached
the subject, the same could apply to vue d'esprit)
Secondly, it's become obvious that it would be useful to subscribe to 1 or
more computer graphic magazines. Does anyone know of a comparative listing
anywhere on the net?
Thanks for your time. :-)
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I bought the magazine with Bryce 3D, unfortunately the CD is copy protected
and is required to install, so it can't be uploaded or shared. If I remember
correctly the magazine was the premiere issue of 3D World, a British
publication. I wonder if the distribution is something MetaCreations did
just before Corel took possession of the product and did it without
Corel's approval? We'll probably never know, but it seems to be hard
to find now.
"Setepenaset" <ron### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> Howdy, all -
> Have been looking for the Bryce3 that was distributed with the magazine.
> Metacreations has washed their hands of it, and Corel says it's not
> available. I even wrote to the magazine, but they didn't respond. So - if
> any of y'all kind people who got this software could think of a way to
> transport it to me, I would be forever grateful. (and, since I've broached
> the subject, the same could apply to vue d'esprit)
> Secondly, it's become obvious that it would be useful to subscribe to 1 or
> more computer graphic magazines. Does anyone know of a comparative listing
> anywhere on the net?
> Thanks for your time. :-)
> Setep
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Harold - Thanks for the response. Guess I'm back to dealing with the
magazine. :-/
Kind regards,
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> I bought the magazine with Bryce 3D, unfortunately the CD is copy
> and is required to install, so it can't be uploaded or shared. If I
have you tried making an image of the cd and then copying that to a cd?
i've gotten around some copy protection by doing that.
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Greetings -
A bit of data generated by the ongoing search:
http://www.covercd.co.uk/ - info about all cover cds included with British
magazines. Includes links to subscribe or to purchase the current issue.
Kind regards,
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