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I'm looking for something that could help me model objects with meshes.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance,
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sacrofts <sac### [at] tinyonline co uk> wrote:
: I'm looking for something that could help me model objects with meshes. Can anyone
point me in the right direction?
The program has also an english version.
#local D=array[6]{11117333955,7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330}
#local I=0;#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I],13),8)-3,10>#end
#while(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().1
pigment{rgb 9}}#local I=(D[I]>99?I:I+1);#end /*- Warp -*/
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> http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6625/soft10.html
> The program has also an english version.
Many thanks! That should help me no end.
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A new signature ?
background{rgb 1}camera{location<1,5,-2>look_at 0}#macro
m(a,b,i)#local d=(b-a)
cylinder{a,b,vlength(d)/3 pigment{rgb 0}}#end#end m(-4*x,2*x,4) // Jan
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Jan Walzer <jan### [at] lzer net> wrote:
: A new signature ?
You noticed :)
#local D=array[6]{11117333955,7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330}
#local I=0;#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I],13),8)-3,10>#end
#while(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().1
pigment{rgb 9}}#local I=(D[I]>99?I:I+1);#end /*- Warp -*/
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Why POV-Script this time ?
Did you compute the array in your head ???
I'm currently fiddling out, how it works ...
background{rgb 1}camera{location<1,5,-2>look_at 0}#macro
m(a,b,i)#local d=(b-a)
cylinder{a,b,vlength(d)/3 pigment{rgb 0}}#end#end m(-4*x,2*x,4) // Jan
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Jan Walzer wrote:
> --
> background{rgb 1}camera{location<1,5,-2>look_at 0}#macro
> m(a,b,i)#local d=(b-a)
> /8;#local
> e=vcross(d,y);#if(i)m(a-e,a+e+2*d,i-1)m(a+e,a+2*d-e,i-1)m(a+3*d-e,a+e
> +3*d,i-1)m(a+3*d-e,a+5*d-e,i-1)m(a+6*d-e,a+e+6*d,i-1)m(a+8*d-e,a+e+8*d
> ,i-1)#else
> cylinder{a,b,vlength(d)/3 pigment{rgb 0}}#end#end m(-4*x,2*x,4) // Jan
> Walzer
You really should work on the line lenghts of your sig. It looks terrible
- see above.
Ken Tyler
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On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 13:37:32 -0700, Ken wrote:
>You really should work on the line lenghts of your sig. It looks terrible
>- see above.
I'd noticed that too but not commented because his line lengths actually
are exactly 80 characters. Apparently 79 characters is the limit for some
newsreaders (my own included.) However, I just tried to rework his sig
to 79 characters and I can't get it to fit. The #else ends up trying to
overlap the end of a line and pushes the entire last line too far to the
Ron Parker http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/traces.html
My opinions. Mine. Not anyone else's.
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Ron Parker wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 13:37:32 -0700, Ken wrote:
> >
> >You really should work on the line lenghts of your sig. It looks terrible
> >- see above.
> I'd noticed that too but not commented because his line lengths actually
> are exactly 80 characters. Apparently 79 characters is the limit for some
> newsreaders (my own included.) However, I just tried to rework his sig
> to 79 characters and I can't get it to fit. The #else ends up trying to
> overlap the end of a line and pushes the entire last line too far to the
> right.
background{rgb 1}camera{location<1,5,-2>look_at 0}#macro m(a,b,i)#local d=(b-a)
/8;#local e=vcross(d,y);#if(i)m(a-e,a+e+2*d,i-1)m(a+e,a+2*d-e,i-1)m(a+3*d-e,a+e
cylinder{a,b,vlength(d)/3 pigment{rgb 0}}#end#end m(-4*x,2*x,4) // Jan Walzer
Ken Tyler
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Ken wrote:
> background{rgb 1}camera{location<1,5,-2>look_at 0}#macro m(a,b,i)#local d=(b-a)
> /8;#local e=vcross(d,y);#if(i)m(a-e,a+e+2*d,i-1)m(a+e,a+2*d-e,i-1)m(a+3*d-e,a+e
> +3*d,i-1)m(a+3*d-e,a+5*d-e,i-1)m(a+6*d-e,a+e+6*d,i-1)m(a+8*d-e,a+e+8*d,i-1)#else
> cylinder{a,b,vlength(d)/3 pigment{rgb 0}}#end#end m(-4*x,2*x,4) // Jan Walzer
It posted ok with Netscape. Maybe it's a configuration problem on his end.
Ken Tyler
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