I want to insert some graphics primitives like lines, text etc. into
my rendering. I want to use especially text for documentation purpose (show
names of dedicated elements etc.).
However if I put text as text objects into my rendering (rotating and
scaling it
in that way that the normal vector of the text points torwards the camera,
to get an undistorted view of the text), POVRay slows down considerabely.
Are there any possibilities to speed up the rendering process by saying,
the text should pasted like a label into the picture after the picture is
The same problem occurs if I want use other graphics primitives like lines
to point on a special element in the rendering. I can use cylinders, thats
but this also slows down the rendering process when using many cylinders....
Using lines which are not rendered, just pasted into the picture would be
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On Sun, 7 Nov 1999 23:49:35 +0100, "Rainer Minixhofer"
<min### [at] sboxtu-grazacat> wrote:
>However if I put text as text objects into my rendering (rotating and
>scaling it in that way that the normal vector of the text points torwards
>the camera, to get an undistorted view of the text), POVRay slows down
>The same problem occurs if I want use other graphics primitives like lines
>to point on a special element in the rendering. I can use cylinders, thats
>clear, but this also slows down the rendering process
That's why they call it ray tracing, Rainer :) If you really want to speed
things up, and post-processing doesn't matter to you, I would just use a
third party application like Paint Shop Pro (depending on your platform) to
apply text and lines. It is possible to create an image map with text and
lines and apply them to objects that can be positioned where you want them
to be but post-processing would be easier.
Alan - ako### [at] povrayorg - a k o n g <at> p o v r a y <dot> o r g
http://www.povray.org - Home of the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
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