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3.1g used to work on my machine with 98 but under 2000 it bluescreens
my machine when I render "larger" images. It crashes the machine
about half way through the rendering.
Anyone seen these symptoms?
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Anyone having problems with 3.1g & Win 2000
Date: 24 Feb 2001 22:43:33
Message: <3a987f65@news.povray.org>
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In article <20lg9t0frf8rc9p1p06hpsli33olnaje56@4ax.com> ,
nob### [at] yahoo com wrote:
> 3.1g used to work on my machine with 98 but under 2000 it bluescreens
> my machine when I render "larger" images. It crashes the machine
> about half way through the rendering.
> Anyone seen these symptoms?
If your system crashes you most likely have a defective installation of
Windows 2000. If reinstalling alone does not help, updating your
drivers might help. The fact that only (?) POV-Ray crashes your system
is just coincidence - in general if your system crashes this is an
indication of a system malfunction, not a problem with the program that
was running when the system crash occurred (there are exceptions to
this, of course).
You can be sure that if there were general problems/crashes running
POV-Ray under Windows 2000, there would be a lot of complaints here
already :-)
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From: Dennis Milller
Subject: Re: Anyone having problems with 3.1g & Win 2000
Date: 25 Feb 2001 00:17:09
Message: <3a989555@news.povray.org>
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I've had no trouble with images up to 1200 x 800. How large are your files?
Can't image it is Win 2000 by itself..
<nob### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> All,
> 3.1g used to work on my machine with 98 but under 2000 it bluescreens
> my machine when I render "larger" images. It crashes the machine
> about half way through the rendering.
> Anyone seen these symptoms?
> TIA,
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From: Chris Cason
Subject: Re: Anyone having problems with 3.1g & Win 2000
Date: 25 Feb 2001 05:11:58
Message: <3a98da6e@news.povray.org>
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> 3.1g used to work on my machine with 98 but under 2000 it bluescreens
> my machine when I render "larger" images. It crashes the machine
> about half way through the rendering.
Does it still do this with preview turned off ?
I can tell you now that nothing that POV can do will make Windows 2000
crash in the absence of a bug in either W2K or one of the drivers you
have installed (e.g. video). This is because POV is a purely user-mode
(i.e. ring 3) application and is incapable, by itself, of doing anything
'bad' to the OS (unless, as mentioned above, it is triggering an OS bug).
I suspect that you will eventually find that the problem is in one of
your device drivers.
-- Chris
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From: Duncan Gray
Subject: Re: Anyone having problems with 3.1g & Win 2000
Date: 25 Feb 2001 07:58:37
Message: <3a99017d@news.povray.org>
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There is a service pack out for Win 2k already which does address some
application compatability issues. It can be downloaded or ordered on CD
Quoting microsoft, "Service Pack 1 (SP1) provides the latest updates to the
Windows 2000 family of operating systems. These updates are a collection of
fixes in the following areas: setup, application compatibility, operating
system reliability, and security.".
It's not small - about 14 Meg.
Hope this helps.
Duncan Gray
(warning: may contain traces of nut)
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Thanks for all the input guys. I have been using POV-Ray for many
years now and this is driving me crazy. I agree with each of you that
it is probably my machine because POV still works fine at work under
2000. I will keep poking around to see what I can find.
On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 13:03:50 -0000, "Duncan Gray"
<dun### [at] eclipse co uk> wrote:
>There is a service pack out for Win 2k already which does address some
>application compatability issues. It can be downloaded or ordered on CD
>Quoting microsoft, "Service Pack 1 (SP1) provides the latest updates to the
>Windows 2000 family of operating systems. These updates are a collection of
>fixes in the following areas: setup, application compatibility, operating
>system reliability, and security.".
>It's not small - about 14 Meg.
>Hope this helps.
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