POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : HDR Sky_sphere : Re: HDR Sky_sphere Server Time
19 Feb 2025 17:10:24 EST (-0500)
  Re: HDR Sky_sphere  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 9 Jan 2011 14:18:13
Message: <op.vo12kld5ufxv4h@xena>
On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:51:16 +0200, davidmorom <nomail@nomail> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> My knowledge of Pov-Ray is very limited, but I followed several  
> tutorials on the
> internet, mainly this one:
> http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=163897
> The goal of the tutorial is rendering LEGO models made from LDRAW parts,  
> using
> radiosity and HDRI lightning. I got awesome results, but with very high
> rendering times. But that's not the problem. The following image is  
> rendered at
> low resolution with "Radiosity_Debug" profile for time saving:
> http://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab210/davidmorom/Imperial_Shuttle.jpg
> I like the HDR lightning effect, but i dont like the texture itself. The
> sky_sphere is defined the following way:
> sky_sphere{
>  pigment{image_map{hdr "..\kitchen_probe.hdr" once interpolate 2  
> map_type 1}}
> }
> Is there an easy way to keep HDR, but making the sky_sphere invisible, or
> flat-colored?
> Thanks in advance!

Replace the sky_sphere with a large sphere, make it hollow and add  
no_image to it like this:

  pigment{image_map{hdr "..\kitchen_probe.hdr" once interpolate 2 map_type  
finish{emission 1}
scale 100 // make sure the sphere is big enough to cover the whole scene

Now you can add a sky-sphere with the image you want to show (or just use  
a background with a single colour)

-Nekar Xenos-

"The spoon is not real"

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