POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : 5.2.6 Tracing Options Server Time
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  5.2.6 Tracing Options (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Felix Wiemann
Subject: 5.2.6 Tracing Options
Date: 12 Feb 2002 09:41:55
Message: <3c6929b3$1@news.povray.org>
(POV-Ray 3.5 Beta 11) Quality Settings:

"Quality=n Set quality value to n (0 <= n <= 11)
8 Compute reflected, refracted, and transmitted rays.
9 Compute media and radiosity

Since +Q10 and +Q11 are no longer valid, it should be changed to "0 <= n <=
9", and "10" and "11" should be removed (or "9, 10, 11 Compute media and
radiosity"). Anti-Aliasing Options:

After "Example of how the recursive super-sampling works":
"This is different from the adaptive, non-recursive method were the total
number of super-samples is specified."
Should be changed to "method, where the".

The table below says that with +AM1 and +R2 four samples are taken, with +R4
16 samples are taken etc.
But as I could see in the messages when using +A0.0 +AM1 and +R2/4/6/8,
always one more sample is taken (5, 17, 37, 65).
Perhaps that is because a ray in the middle of the pixel is shooten, but why
shouldn't it be written in the documentation (or at least made clear that
these are *additional* samples)?

Felix Wiemann

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From: Ben Chambers
Subject: Re: 5.2.6 Tracing Options
Date: 13 Feb 2002 01:15:34
Message: <3c6a0486@news.povray.org>
"Felix Wiemann" <Fel### [at] gmxnet> wrote in message
> The table below says that with +AM1 and +R2 four samples are taken, with
> 16 samples are taken etc.
> But as I could see in the messages when using +A0.0 +AM1 and +R2/4/6/8,
> always one more sample is taken (5, 17, 37, 65).
> Perhaps that is because a ray in the middle of the pixel is shooten, but
> shouldn't it be written in the documentation (or at least made clear that
> these are *additional* samples)?
> Felix Wiemann

My guess would be, that the 5 are the original ray, plus the four
super-samples.  Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though :)


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From: Felix Wiemann
Subject: Re: 5.2.6 Tracing Options
Date: 13 Feb 2002 09:20:25
Message: <3c6a7629$1@news.povray.org>
> My guess would be, that the 5 are the original ray, plus the four
> super-samples.  Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though :)
> ...Chambers

I tried to express that :-) :

"Perhaps that is because a ray in the middle of the pixel is shooten,
but why shouldn't it be written in the documentation (or at least made
clear that these are *additional* samples)?"

As I said, IMO it would be good to make that clear in the doc.

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