I'm using POV v3.6.1c.icl8.win32, WinXP SP2.
I created a scene and put a simple sphere-sweep object in it.
There is a strange artifact only appearing on its shadow, not the object itself.
This is a simplified scene which is enough to show the problem:
#include "colors.inc"
camera {
location <-1.5, 0.3, -2.2>
look_at <-0.4, 0.3, -1>
light_source {
color rgb White
polygon {
<0, 0>, <0, 1>, <1, 1>, <1, 0>
pigment { White }
translate x*-0.5+y*-0.3
scale 1.8
sphere_sweep {
< 0, -3, 3>, 1
< 4, -5, 0>, 1
pigment {Yellow}
scale 1/20
rotate x*-50
translate -1.5*z+y*0.3
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In addition to my previous post:
The problem persists even when I change the sphere-sweep parameters to avoid
scaling. I have noticed an earlier post about "Scale dependant artifacts in
sphere_sweep", but changing the object's size to the values it would become
after scaling and removing the scale parameter won't help:
sphere_sweep {
< 0, -0.15, 0.15>, 0.05
< 0.2, -0.25, 0>, 0.05
pigment {Yellow}
rotate x*-50
translate -1.5*z+y*0.3
// the shadow still has artifacts
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