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From: stbenge
Subject: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 01:22:06
Message: <47bfbb8e@news.povray.org>
Basic instructions are included in the .pov. Have fun with it!


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From: nemesis
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 02:05:00
Message: <web.47bfc58db272b0105676ec960@news.povray.org>
stbenge <stb### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> Basic instructions are included in the .pov. Have fun with it!

"good luck"... huhuhuhu

I never really played around with fractals.  But it surprises me the fractal
patterns weren't used, being instead a simple radial transformed... O_o

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 04:16:05
Message: <47bfe455@news.povray.org>

> Basic instructions are included in the .pov. Have fun with it!

   Shouldn't this have a warning about hypnotic/addictive effects on the 
subject? Please, I've scenes to finish this weekend! ;)


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From: Tor Olav Kristensen
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 10:57:31
Message: <47c0426b$1@news.povray.org>
stbenge wrote:
> Basic instructions are included in the .pov. Have fun with it!

In the process of trying to understand what you did,
I tried to clean up your code and then I modified it a bit.

Here's my modifications if anyone is interested.
(The code should work in the same way.)

Tor Olav

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From: stbenge
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 18:30:49
Message: <47c0aca9$1@news.povray.org>
nemesis wrote:
> "good luck"... huhuhuhu

That's my idea of a disclaimer ;)

> I never really played around with fractals.  But it surprises me the fractal
> patterns weren't used, being instead a simple radial transformed... O_o

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an IFS fractal built in a similar 


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From: stbenge
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 18:32:25
Message: <47c0ad09$1@news.povray.org>
Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
>   Shouldn't this have a warning about hypnotic/addictive effects on the 
> subject? Please, I've scenes to finish this weekend! ;)

Ha, it does that to you too? It's fun plugging new numbers into the seed 
to find that next unique combination.


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From: stbenge
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 18:37:30
Message: <47c0ae3a@news.povray.org>
Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
> In the process of trying to understand what you did,
> I tried to clean up your code and then I modified it a bit.
> Here's my modifications if anyone is interested.
> (The code should work in the same way.)

Hm, is frame_number a a built-in variable? Good work on the code.

I'm thinking of posting another version I worked on last night which 
helps prevent the image from becoming dark over time.


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From: Nicolas Alvarez
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 23 Feb 2008 18:48:04
Message: <47c0b0b4$1@news.povray.org>

> Hm, is frame_number a a built-in variable?

Yes it is.


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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 24 Feb 2008 04:03:39
Message: <47c132eb$1@news.povray.org>

> Ha, it does that to you too? It's fun plugging new numbers into the seed 
> to find that next unique combination.

   I did more than that... I first separated the coloring to a new seed, and 
then I started to use other patterns instead of radial. I got very 
interesting results with quilted, crackle and bozo patterns. I also changed 
the filter to 2 to avoid some of the darkening in the iteration.

   Thank for a lost but funny Saturday! ;)


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From: Dave Matthews
Subject: Re: iterative imaging 3
Date: 29 Feb 2008 09:50:01
Message: <web.47c81a60b272b0108cb754d0@news.povray.org>
stbenge <stb### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> nemesis wrote:
> > "good luck"... huhuhuhu
> That's my idea of a disclaimer ;)
> > I never really played around with fractals.  But it surprises me the fractal
> > patterns weren't used, being instead a simple radial transformed... O_o
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an IFS fractal built in a similar
> fashion?
> Sam

Yes it is.  In fact, a special case of what you've done is what Barnsley called
the "condensation set" of an image under an IFS.  Just to be sure, I recreated
a bunch of Barnsley's pictures from "Fractals Everywhere" using your technique.

So, THANKS!  This is just what I've been looking for; it should allow me to play
with "Superfractals" (Barnsley's next book) using POVRay.  Also, since other
shapes, patterns, transforms can be iterated, there are many generalizations to
the old linear examples that can be added.

I'd been puzzling over ways of getting POVRay to do this; why I didn't think to
simply input the previous image as an image map; well, that's because some
people are creative (like you), and some, well, less so.  One technique I had
tried that produced some of what I wanted, but not most, was to recursively
call the "checker" pattern.  I might revisit it now, just to see if the new
insights I got from figuring out your technique add anything to it.

Anyway, once I find a few things I like, I'll toss them up in PBI to add to the
collection, unless they're just a lot uglier than what others do.


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