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> Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
> Don't forget silver. I hear it works especially well on vampires.
I won't visit Transylvania castles with you...
Silver bullets are for werewolves!
For vampires, try oak bullets (aim to heart place) or remnants of the True
Cross (hard to find) or freezed garlic (hard to lathe) ;-)
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"M_a_r_c" <jac### [at] wanadoo fr> schreef in bericht
> web.4ba3e3c59f521821cba3fb0f0@news.povray.org...
>> Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
>> Don't forget silver. I hear it works especially well on vampires.
> I won't visit Transylvania castles with you...
> Silver bullets are for werewolves!
> For vampires, try oak bullets (aim to heart place) or remnants of the True
> Cross (hard to find) or freezed garlic (hard to lathe) ;-)
And remember that you need also something sharp (easy to model in Wings3D)
to cut off the head (Poser is the right place to look) in order to finish
the job properly. Watch out for gushing blood (POV macro). It ruins clothes
(look at ContentParadise)!
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> Le_Forgeron<jgr### [at] free fr> wrote:
>> Le 19/03/2010 03:26, Alain nous fit lire :
>> iron is about 8 (max at 7.8, adding carbon and other might drop it to
>> 6.8), copper about 9 and lead about 11.3
>> Lead "advantage": toxic; "default": does not hold well under pressure
>> Now, if you want to play with uranium (non-radioactive/depleted), you
>> get a nice 18.9, nevertheless it is recommended to stay away of
>> plutonium (despite its nice 19.8)
>> Platinum (21) is a bit too expensive, even gold (19.3)... and tungsten
>> (19.6) is a bit too difficult to manufacture for bullets (well, if it
>> was really worth it... but it might be too brittle too)
> Don't forget silver. I hear it works especially well on vampires.
Silver is no good against vampires, it's for lycantropes.
For vampires, try holy water, woden stake, beheading, burning to ashes
and soaking those ashes in holy water, crosses, garlic, true sunlight.
Also, puting the vampire on a tiny island in the middle of a river is
interesting, as they can't cross running water. Be sure that that river
won't freeze over, or the vampire will be able to walk on the ice.
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"M_a_r_c" <jac### [at] wanadoo fr> wrote:
> For vampires, try oak bullets (aim to heart place) or remnants of the True
> Cross (hard to find) or freezed garlic (hard to lathe) ;-)
True Cross fragments hard to find? It's been said that there are enough True
Cross fragments across Europe to build a city block (or something like that).
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"Alain" <aze### [at] qwerty org> schreef in bericht
> Silver is no good against vampires, it's for lycantropes.
> For vampires, try holy water, woden stake, beheading, burning to ashes and
> soaking those ashes in holy water, crosses, garlic, true sunlight. Also,
> puting the vampire on a tiny island in the middle of a river is
> interesting, as they can't cross running water. Be sure that that river
> won't freeze over, or the vampire will be able to walk on the ice.
One wonders why there are still so many vampires around....
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Dave Blandston schrieb:
> Thanks! I see that I made at least two major mistakes with the casing texture. I
> added a slight granite normal to the casing, and made the specular highlights a
> little too dull. My errors made it look like plastic. I think the military may
> have painted their brass cases green. Here are the reference photos I used:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7.62x39mm
I stand corrected in all aspects: Not only was I wrong about the
material of the projectile in this case, but also about that of the
casing; according to the description of the image, it is actually not
brass, but rather steel.
And no, I don't think the material you used for the case looks
particularly pastic-ish.
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Alain schrieb:
> For vampires, try holy water, woden stake, beheading, burning to ashes
> and soaking those ashes in holy water, crosses, garlic, true sunlight.
> Also, puting the vampire on a tiny island in the middle of a river is
> interesting, as they can't cross running water. Be sure that that river
> won't freeze over, or the vampire will be able to walk on the ice.
As they are said to be able to transform into bats, I guess they might
be able to fly across such bodies of water...
Vampires suck.
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> Alain schrieb:
>> For vampires, try holy water, woden stake, beheading, burning to ashes
>> and soaking those ashes in holy water, crosses, garlic, true sunlight.
>> Also, puting the vampire on a tiny island in the middle of a river is
>> interesting, as they can't cross running water. Be sure that that
>> river won't freeze over, or the vampire will be able to walk on the ice.
> As they are said to be able to transform into bats, I guess they might
> be able to fly across such bodies of water...
> ---
> Vampires suck.
Not acording to my sources, even transformed into bat, they apparently,
still can't fly over running water. Standing water don't bother them.
And, in the case of runing water, if there is anything they can pass
over, bridge, tree branches, even a string, it may enable them to cross.
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Alain wrote:
>> Alain schrieb:
>>> For vampires, try holy water, woden stake, beheading, burning to ashes
>>> and soaking those ashes in holy water, crosses, garlic, true sunlight.
>>> Also, puting the vampire on a tiny island in the middle of a river is
>>> interesting, as they can't cross running water. Be sure that that
>>> river won't freeze over, or the vampire will be able to walk on the ice.
>> As they are said to be able to transform into bats, I guess they might
>> be able to fly across such bodies of water...
>> ---
>> Vampires suck.
> Not acording to my sources, even transformed into bat, they apparently,
> still can't fly over running water. Standing water don't bother them.
> And, in the case of runing water, if there is anything they can pass
> over, bridge, tree branches, even a string, it may enable them to cross.
> Alain
This reminds me of a bit in an old comedy movie, "Old Dracula", with David Niven as
Dracula. He
was flying (by plane, at night, of course) from Europe to the US. His seat-mate
happened to ask
him if this was the first time he'd flown. David (Dracula) answered, "No, I've flown
many times
before. Never by plane, though."
-=- Larry -=-
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Warp wrote:
> I think you should work more on the textures. While the colors are
> probably close to accurate, the finish and normals could use more work.
> Try imitating something like:
> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2306/2360441422_caa80a0d05.jpg
Just as an image, bullets do hold a grim fascination. I am never quite
sure why
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