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From: Reuben Pearse
Subject: Lego Star Wars - R2-D2 - Colouring page
Date: 19 Nov 2009 17:32:26
Message: <4b05c77a@news.povray.org>
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Hi again!
I'm having some more fun experimenting with rendering Lego models.
I'm trying to create some printable Lego Star Wars colouring pages for
my kids, so I thought I'd start with R2-D2.
This image was created using a combination of MLCAD, 3DWin5, PoseRay,
POV-Ray 3.6 and the PovEdge macro (by Thibaut Jonckheere)
Any ideas on how you would go about converting this kind of image/model
to some sort of vector graphic?
reu### [at] pearse co uk
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Preview of image 'r2d2_colouring.jpg'

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Reuben Pearse wrote:
> Hi again!
> I'm having some more fun experimenting with rendering Lego models.
> I'm trying to create some printable Lego Star Wars colouring pages for
> my kids, so I thought I'd start with R2-D2.
> This image was created using a combination of MLCAD, 3DWin5, PoseRay,
> POV-Ray 3.6 and the PovEdge macro (by Thibaut Jonckheere)
> Any ideas on how you would go about converting this kind of image/model
> to some sort of vector graphic?
You can try to export it as an SVG from Blender:
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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: Lego Star Wars - R2-D2 - Colouring page
Date: 19 Nov 2009 18:08:24
Message: <4b05cfe8$1@news.povray.org>
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Reuben Pearse wrote:
> Any ideas on how you would go about converting this kind of image/model
> to some sort of vector graphic?
you can load the image in Inkscape and apply Path > Trace Bitmap
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From: Rick Gutleber
Subject: Re: Lego Star Wars - R2-D2 - Colouring page
Date: 20 Nov 2009 11:08:10
Message: <4B06BEEA.9030302@his.com>
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This is way cool. I can't wait to show my kids who love Star Wars and
Lego and one of which has actually started tinkering with POV!
On 2009-11-19 17:32, Reuben Pearse wrote:
> Hi again!
> I'm having some more fun experimenting with rendering Lego models.
> I'm trying to create some printable Lego Star Wars colouring pages for
> my kids, so I thought I'd start with R2-D2.
> This image was created using a combination of MLCAD, 3DWin5, PoseRay,
> POV-Ray 3.6 and the PovEdge macro (by Thibaut Jonckheere)
> Any ideas on how you would go about converting this kind of image/model
> to some sort of vector graphic?
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Thanks Rick!
I left a print-out of this image next to the computer yesterday, and
before I knew what what going on, my daughter had coloured it in and
made a card out of it for her younger brother:-) Bless!
reu### [at] pearse co uk
Rick Gutleber wrote:
> This is way cool. I can't wait to show my kids who love Star Wars and
> Lego and one of which has actually started tinkering with POV!
> On 2009-11-19 17:32, Reuben Pearse wrote:
>> Hi again!
>> I'm having some more fun experimenting with rendering Lego models.
>> I'm trying to create some printable Lego Star Wars colouring pages for
>> my kids, so I thought I'd start with R2-D2.
>> This image was created using a combination of MLCAD, 3DWin5, PoseRay,
>> POV-Ray 3.6 and the PovEdge macro (by Thibaut Jonckheere)
>> Any ideas on how you would go about converting this kind of image/model
>> to some sort of vector graphic?
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Rick Gutleber wrote:
> This is way cool. I can't wait to show my kids who love Star Wars and
> Lego and one of which has actually started tinkering with POV!
Hi Rick,
I thought you might like to know that I've added a further Lego Star
Wars colouring page to my website:
This time I've rendered a Battle Droid. You can download PDF to print
out from the "Colouring Pages" section. I've also included some POV-Ray
source code for the model. You can find this under the 3D Lego Models
section. I will be uploading POV-Ray source code for RD-D2 at some point.
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Preview of image 'battle_droid_large.jpg'

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