Eternally WIP, here's a human eye macro that I've been working on for
quite some time. Textures for the blood veins and iris are fractal
pigment patterns. Still not completely happy with it. Rotation of the
iris pigment elements needs to be worked on to get rid of the spiral
effect and more control of the blood veins is needed, but the pupils
will dilate and eye color is customizable via macro parameters.
// AS - 06 Eye Macro for POV-Ray
// Usage: #include "eye.inc"
// object{Eye(Brown, 0.5) translations}
#include "colors.inc" // Standard Color definitions
#include "textures.inc" // Standard Texture definitions
#include "math.inc"
#include "rand.inc"
#declare N1 = seed(12345);
#declare N2 = seed(22345);
#declare N3 = seed(32345);
#declare N4 = seed(42345);
#declare N5 = seed(52345);
#declare N6 = seed(62345);
#declare N7 = seed(72345);
#declare N8 = seed(82345);
#declare N9 = seed(92345);
#macro BloodShot(N, T, C)
pigment {
mandel 5000 * RRand(1, 5, N)
turbulence RRand(0.2, 10.9, N)
scale <1,1,1>
translate z*(T/2)
rotate <0, 0, RRand(0, 360, N)*(T/10)>
color_map {
[0.010 rgbt 1]
[0.010 C ]
[0.200 C ]
[0.200 rgbt 1]
#macro ITex(P, CC, R, N)
texture {
pigment {
mandel 60
turbulence RRand(5, 6, N)
omega 0.75
scale <(P/1.5)+1.75, .4, .1>
rotate <0, RRand(2, 4, N), R*0.5>
color_map {
[0.007 rgbt 1 ]
[0.007 rgbt <0.416471-CC.red, 0.658824-CC.green,
0.639216-CC.blue, 0.7> ]
[0.029 rgbt <0.536471-CC.red, 0.458824-CC.green,
0.539216-CC.blue, 0.9> ]
[0.029 rgbt 1 ]
// Pupil == 0.0 - open 1.0 - closed
#macro Eye(Color, Pupil)
cone{ <0,0,-0.43>, 0.234
<0,0, -0.42>, 0.05+(Pupil/10)
pigment {color Color}
finish {ambient 0.30
brilliance 3
diffuse 0.4
specular 0.70
roughness 1/60
reflection 0.25
#local QQ = 0;
#while (QQ <= 720)
ITex(Pupil, Color+0.5, QQ, N1)
ITex(Pupil, Color*0.75, QQ+5, N1)
#local QQ = QQ + 20;
torus{ 0.238, 0.01
pigment{rgbt <0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.200>}
scale <1, 0.4, 1>
rotate x*90
translate <0,0,-0.40>
difference { //Eyeball
sphere {0, 0.5
texture{pigment{color White}}
BloodShot(N1, 1, Red)
BloodShot(N2, 2, Red)
BloodShot(N3, 3, Red)
BloodShot(N4, 4, Red)
BloodShot(N5, 5, Red)
BloodShot(N6, 6, Red)
BloodShot(N7, 7, Red)
BloodShot(N8, 8, Red)
BloodShot(N9, 9, Red)
texture {
pigment { color rgbt <0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.9> }
finish {
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.1
reflection 0.1
specular 0.8
roughness 0.0005
interior {ior 1.0}
normal {dents 0.5 scale <.15,.15,.1> turbulence 1}
BloodShot(N7, 7, Red)
BloodShot(N8, 8, Red)
BloodShot(N9, 9, Red)
texture {
pigment { color rgbt <0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.9> }
finish {
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.1
reflection 0.1
specular 0.8
roughness 0.0005
interior {ior 1.0}
normal {dents 0.5 scale <.15,.15,.1> turbulence 1}
sphere {0,0.25
texture {
pigment { color rgbt <0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.9> }
finish {
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.1
reflection 0.1
specular 0.8
roughness 0.0005
interior {ior 1.0}
scale <1,1,0.6>
translate <0,0,-0.4>
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