this is a modified version of the area light problem i had.
on a PII400 parsing time was 1:40min. rendering time of one line took
1:58min on 640x480. therefore i cancelled it and went to a friend's 1ghz
athlon. rendertime with radisoity and AA0.0 then: six hours and eight
memory usage: ~105mb in peak.
I absolutely love that!!
Would you mind sharing the soarce?
I'd like to render it for my background image.
marabou <not### [at] availableyet> wrote in message
>> this is a modified version of the area light problem i had.> on a PII400 parsing time was 1:40min. rendering time of one line took> 1:58min on 640x480. therefore i cancelled it and went to a friend's 1ghz> athlon. rendertime with radisoity and AA0.0 then: six hours and eight> minutes.> memory usage: ~105mb in peak.
Great stuff! Could you by any chance be so kind as to post the source for the
- Nekar
"marabou" <not### [at] availableyet> wrote in message
>> this is a modified version of the area light problem i had.> on a PII400 parsing time was 1:40min. rendering time of one line took> 1:58min on 640x480. therefore i cancelled it and went to a friend's 1ghz> athlon. rendertime with radisoity and AA0.0 then: six hours and eight> minutes.> memory usage: ~105mb in peak.
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marabou wrote:
> > on a PII400 parsing time was 1:40min. rendering time of one line took> 1:58min on 640x480. therefore i cancelled it and went to a friend's 1ghz> athlon. rendertime with radisoity and AA0.0 then: six hours and eight> minutes.> memory usage: ~105mb in peak.
I'm assuming it went into swap on your pc but not on the athlon, 'cause
that's a huge difference...
Looks Quakish to me, the color seems unnatural but otherwise it is
realistic I think.
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricynet> ICQ 55354965
My raytracing gallery:
the bricks are superellipsoids only.
#local counter_h = 0;
#local counter_w = 0;
#while (counter_h <= numberofstones_height)
#while (counter_w <= numberofstones_width)
superellipsoid { +yourflavour+ }
translate <(counter_w*width_ofonestone),0,
#local counter_w = counter_w + 1;
#end //while2
#local counter_w = 0;
#local counter_h = counter_h + 1;
#end //while1
this would build a floor for you.
if you wish to make it a wall you can rotate the field on the x-axis with
"rotate x*90". or/and translate this field to a place where it fits best.
good luck.