POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : 3.7 beta fails with out of memory - ok under 3.6 : Re: 3.7 beta fails with out of memory - ok under 3.6 Server Time
10 Feb 2025 17:07:17 EST (-0500)
  Re: 3.7 beta fails with out of memory - ok under 3.6  
From: jva
Date: 27 Oct 2006 14:10:01
Message: <web.45424a798f1b3f6c1bd6cd0c0@news.povray.org>
"Adrian" <awp### [at] craycom> wrote:
>    So I guess that you agree this is a bug then ?.
> Adrian.

I'm not sure: I don't know whether and to what extent focal blur impacts
memory usage - the scene uses a fair bit even without blur. Still, it seems
definitely related to switching the feature on: when I comment out the
'aperture' or the 'blur_samples' line in the camera definition (thereby
switching off focal blur), the scene renders fine again.

However, it now seems there might be a problem: the minimal scene below cut
from the original glass scene uses hardly any memory at all and gives the
same problem whenever focal blur is on. It runs fine in povray 3.6 though.

Hope this helps, Jeroen.

//minimal scene
global_settings {
  max_trace_level 30
  radiosity {
    count 200 error_bound 0.1 recursion_limit 2 nearest_count 8 brightness 1
    normal on

    location <-60,94,-100> angle 28 look_at <-30,90,-40>
    focal_point <-31.5,82,-43>
    aperture 2
    confidence 0.99
    variance 0
    blur_samples 100

      gradient y scale 2 translate -y
      color_map{ [0.5 rgb <1,1,1>] [1 rgb <150,200,255>/255] }
    finish{ambient 12 diffuse 0}
  scale 10000

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