POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : beta 8: interupt animation causes runtime error : Re: beta 8: interrupt animation causes runtime error Server Time
4 Oct 2024 13:05:58 EDT (-0400)
  Re: beta 8: interrupt animation causes runtime error  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 13 Sep 2005 20:41:50
Message: <432771ce$1@news.povray.org>
"Chris Cason" <nos### [at] deletethispovrayorg> wrote in message 
> Hughes, B. wrote:
>> Happens on this other machine, too, except error popped up at frame 442
>> instead of 448.
> this has been fixed.


> Still haven't seen the 'pure virtual function call'

After trying to interrupt some sample animation files (by clicking Stop 
button or pressing Alt+G keys) I couldn't duplicate the error on the desktop 

However, it continues to cause that same error (called R6025) on my notebook 
computer. Sometimes I must hit Run/Stop twice in rapid succession at the 
beginning to make the error show itself but other times it simply happens 
during any part of the rendered frames, or parsing of them, by a single 
click on the Stop button.

Hopefully something can be figured out about it. Any other info I can 
possibly provide? Just name it.

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