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My first animation of some complexity.
"Long after the last war, some of the martian defense installations are
still operational and without any crew left, now working in fully
automated mode."
Rendered with PovRay 3.8.0-alpha
No radiosity, because that was flickering badly between the frames. Here
an early attempt with radiosity.
The radiosity code could not really make up its mind where to put the
light ...
Some of my PovRay works:
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"Hj. Malthaner" <han### [at] nospam gmx de> wrote:
> My first animation of some complexity.
> "Long after the last war, some of the martian defense installations are
> still operational and without any crew left, now working in fully
> automated mode."
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWg1xsw5BCc
> Rendered with PovRay 3.8.0-alpha
Well that's some pretty impressive work!
There must be a sizable amount of code, and you must have rendered quite a few
frames :O
> No radiosity, because that was flickering badly between the frames. Here
> an early attempt with radiosity.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZM_lhW_FKQ
> The radiosity code could not really make up its mind where to put the
> light ...
Yeah - I could see that being tricky.
Have you tried using that rad_def.inc file as a starting point? Maybe get
something that's slow but good, and then tweak it. Because with all the
radiosity settings, that's gonna be challenging to do from scratch.
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On 6/12/19 1:42 AM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> "Hj. Malthaner" <han### [at] nospam gmx de> wrote:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWg1xsw5BCc
> Well that's some pretty impressive work!
> There must be a sizable amount of code, and you must have rendered quite a few
> frames :O
800-some frames. Most of the models I had made for prior projects
already. So the biggest task was to make the cannons aim properly. Once
I had to learn all that math, but meanwhile I had forgotten quite a lot
again ...
I still can't get the math right for predicted fire if the target move
across rather than towards the fortress.
>> The radiosity code could not really make up its mind where to put the
>> light ...
> Yeah - I could see that being tricky.
> Have you tried using that rad_def.inc file as a starting point? Maybe get
> something that's slow but good, and then tweak it. Because with all the
> radiosity settings, that's gonna be challenging to do from scratch.
I think at one point I tried, but for my scenes which actually use
radiosity I tried to figure out good values on my own. I guess I should
check the include file again. It probably was made with more knowledge
than I have.
But that will have to wait for the next animation project.
I also need to look into video editing and how add a soundtrack to the
animation. So next step will be to find an easy to use and still
powerful video editor for Linux.
Some of my PovRay works:
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"Hj. Malthaner" <han### [at] nospam gmx de> wrote:
> 800-some frames. Most of the models I had made for prior projects
> already. So the biggest task was to make the cannons aim properly. Once
> I had to learn all that math, but meanwhile I had forgotten quite a lot
> again ...
Well that's not too bad...
I hear ya on the math - I've been there many many times myself.
> I still can't get the math right for predicted fire if the target move
> across rather than towards the fortress.
I'm sure it's nothing we haven't solved before. Post your issue. We provide
the counseling, you provide your own medication ;)
> I also need to look into video editing and how add a soundtrack to the
> animation. So next step will be to find an easy to use and still
> powerful video editor for Linux.
I had great success with Audacity. I was able to do a pretty good animation of
the Hellraiser box with some sound effects. My Linux Mint software manager
shows that it's available, so maybe give it a go and see what you think.
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On 6/11/19 10:57 PM, Hj. Malthaner wrote:
> My first animation of some complexity.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWg1xsw5BCc
Found a free soundtrack to use (
https://opengameart.org/content/last-stand-in-space ), so here is the
new version with some sound:
Some of my PovRay works:
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On 6/12/19 11:43 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> "Hj. Malthaner" <han### [at] nospam gmx de> wrote:
>> I still can't get the math right for predicted fire if the target move
>> across rather than towards the fortress.
> I'm sure it's nothing we haven't solved before. Post your issue. We provide
> the counseling, you provide your own medication ;)
I know the basics ... take the movement vector of the target, estimate
the distance and the time of the bolts to fly, from that calculate the
point where the target will be after that time if it continues moving as
it used to.
Now, to get that into formulas that actually work in the scene file,
that is the problem and my head is not made for that.
> I had great success with Audacity.
Found something called Openshot. That is nice and easy to compose video
and audio. To actually make or edit the sound effects audacity sure is
nice. I've used it in the past to edit a few recordings of mine.
> I was able to do a pretty good animation of
> the Hellraiser box with some sound effects. My Linux Mint software manager
> shows that it's available, so maybe give it a go and see what you think.
Is your animation online somewhere? I'm curious :)
Some of my PovRay works:
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"Hj. Malthaner" <han### [at] nospam gmx de> wrote:
> Is your animation online somewhere? I'm curious :)
It is now. I just posted it in p.b.a:
It could probably use some updating... :O
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On 6/11/19 10:57 PM, Hj. Malthaner wrote:
> My first animation of some complexity.
> "Long after the last war, some of the martian defense installations are
> still operational and without any crew left, now working in fully
> automated mode."
New version with some sound effects and more flash!
Some of my PovRay works:
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