Hi, i can't render a simple example of reflection with photons. I explain: i put
in the scene 2 box, the second is the mirror. I put in front of the first box a
light source passing through a projector. I sign 'shadowless' in a way that a
light hits the mirror (second box). But the mirror not reflected the light of
the thirst box! WHere i I was wrong? I posted a code,thanks for help:
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1
max_trace_level 5
photons {
spacing 0.025
count 1500000
max_trace_level 15
// media 100, 2
//media 500, 3
// camera behind
camera {
location <00.0, 70.0,90.0>
look_at <0.0, 10.0, 0.0>
blur_samples 50
//camera in front of
/*camera {
location <00.0, 70.0,-80.0>
look_at <0.0, 10.0, 0.0>
blur_samples 50
} */
declare a= 1;
declare b=0.54;
declare Projector = prism {
3, 3.002, 4,
<0,0>, <-a,b>,<a,b>, <0,0> //outer rim
texture{ pigment{ color Green } }
light_source{ <0,3.001,-0.1>
color Red *250
radius 90
falloff 0
tightness 0
point_at <0, 3.015, 2>
photons {refraction on reflection on}
projected_through { Projector }
} //end of light_source
box {
<-45, 0, 40>,
< 60, 10, 45>
//texture { DMFLightOak }
texture {Chrome_Metal}
finish { reflection on conserve_energy }
photons {
reflection on
//rotate y*-45
box {
<-45, 0, 20>,
< 60, 10, 25>
texture { T_Stone25 }
photons {
reflection on
refraction on
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> Hi, i can't render a simple example of reflection with photons. I explain: i put
> in the scene 2 box, the second is the mirror. I put in front of the first box a
> light source passing through a projector. I sign 'shadowless' in a way that a
> light hits the mirror (second box). But the mirror not reflected the light of
> the thirst box! WHere i I was wrong? I posted a code,thanks for help:
By design, a shadowless light_source DON'T emit any photons the same way
it don't cause any specular or phong highlight.
Remove shadowless and use photons{pass_trough} on any media container
you may use.
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