Hi All,
I want to make a color legend for following my application.
My application is, I make a cube with different color faces, which colors
correspond to the force acting on them.
This color set up shows x,y,z direction forces.
texture{pigment{rgb < 2 , 2 , 2 > }}
Now my problem I should put a color legend which shows the color and force
Is it possible make automatically in POV-ray?
If not how can I do the above job? Please help me........
Thanks a lot in adavnce.
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> I want to make a color legend for following my application.
> My application is, I make a cube with different color faces, which colors
> correspond to the force acting on them.
Is this intended to be an animation?
Is the data generated by some other program?
For now I'll assume you want a still, and the
data is generated inside pov.
> This color set up shows x,y,z direction forces.
> texture{pigment{rgb < 2 , 2 , 2 > }}
Color in pov normally varies from 0 to 1.
POV has the ability to use splines to interpolate between
vectors, and color is just another vector.
#declare CMap = spline {
0.0, <0,0,1> //blue
0.33,<0,1,0> //green
0.66,<1,1,0> //yellow
1.0, <1,0,0> //red
Which can then be used as your pigment.
pigment { color CMap(Xforce) }
> Now my problem I should put a color legend which shows the color and force
> relation.
It sounds like you want a gradient pigment, and some text labels.
union {
box {<0,0,0>,<1,0.2,0.001>
pigment {
gradient x
color_map {
[0 Blue]
[0.33 Green]
[0.66 Yellow]
[1 Red]
translate <-0.001,0,0>
scale <1.5,1,1>
text {
ttf "timrom.ttf" "0" 0.05, 0
pigment { White}
scale 0.2
translate <0.04,0.04,-0.01>
text {
ttf "timrom.ttf" "1" 0.05, 0
pigment { White}
scale 0.2
translate <1.4,0.04,-0.01>
translate <0.2,-1,-0.1>
> Is it possible make automatically in POV-ray?
Pov doesn't have a built in legend function, you'll
need to reposition your legend object if you move the
> If not how can I do the above job? Please help me........
However, with a little math it's possible to
place an object to look like it is in the same spot
in relation to the camera.
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