The center ball is supposed to be made of rusted gold, but since the light
source is inside it, it looks more like a ball of fire. Oh well...
BTW. I got a very nasty surprise, trying to use my planet generator macro
to produce the ball. The macro defines a function, which takes parameter
called "x1", but this causes Povray to complain, since the context in
which the macro is included has a local variable x1. Is there any way
around this (no, renaming the parameter or variable is not an option,
since there would be a new conflict sooner or later) and should this be
reported as a bug ?
The bug comes out in situations like this:
#macro planet(rseed, atmo, clouds, lights, dayvector)
#local vangle = function(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) { <-- Povray exits with error}
#declare temple = union {
#local x1 = 0;
#include planet(4,0,1,1,<0,10,0>)
Oh well, here's the temple:
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