POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Rendering ONLY the shadow falling on the object (not the object itself) : Re: Rendering ONLY the shadow falling on the object (not the objectitself) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:26:49 EST (-0500)
  Re: Rendering ONLY the shadow falling on the object (not the objectitself)  
From: Mark Wagner
Date: 23 Nov 2002 00:33:06
Message: <pan.2002.>
On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 17:42:36 -0500, Frantisek Fuka quoth:

> Johannes Dahlstrom wrote:
>> Frantisek Fuka wrote:
>>>There are shadows but of course there's no longer any transparency,
>>>just white ground. And when I try to make the ground see-thru, the
>>>shadows disappear too... Can I somehow render the shadows but retain
>>>the background transparency???
>> Hmm... try using a white plane with brilliance 0, something like this:
>> plane {
>>   y, 0
>>   pigment { rgb 1 }
>>   finish { diffuse 1 brilliance 0 }
>> }
>> It should keep the shadows but get rid of the shading, the plane should
>> be pure white wherever light hits it.
> Yes, exactly, now everything around the sprites is pure white and there
> is no transparency anywhere. That's something different than I wanted.
It should be quite easy to use an image editor to put in the transparency
manually: open the image in a good image editor (such as Photoshop or the
GIMP), select the pure white area, and tell the editor to make the
selection transparent.


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