Er, I thought you were supposed to be able to have different triangles in
a mesh have different pigments or textures, but I'm getting seemingly
contradictory error messages when I render.
I have a mesh that I want to use for some panes in a "stained glass"
window, and I want the triangles to be of different glass textures from
the glass.inc file.
I'm specifically trying to use the Col_Glass_Winebottle on individual
triangles, like so:
#declare leaf_window =
mesh {
triangle {<a>, <b>, <c> texture { Col_Glass_Winebottle}}
triangle {<c>, <d>, <e> texture { Col_Glass_Orange }}
but it chokes on the first one, saying
-- Parse Error: Expected 'texture identifier', colour identifier found instead
so if I change the above to say "pigment { Col_Glass_Winebottle}}", it
Parse Error: No matching } in 'triangle', pigment found instead
So which is it, a texture or a pigment ? WTF?!?
The docs use a texture statement within individual triangles, so I know
I'm supposed to be able to treat each one separately. What obvious thing
am I missing?
Thanks for any help!
Mark W.
Version: 3.12
GLS$ d+ s+: a C+ UL--- P L++ E--- W+ N+ o+ K- w--
O-- M- V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP- t 5-- X- R- tv+ b+ DI++ D++
G e+++ h--- r+++ y+++
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