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23 Feb 2025 02:19:39 EST (-0500)
  Re: Persistence of Vision  
From: Nekar Xenos
Date: 24 May 2011 23:50:26
Message: <op.vv0p99w4ufxv4h@xena>
On Tue, 24 May 2011 20:39:38 +0200, stbenge <"egnebts  
<-inverted"@hotmail.com> wrote:

> On 5/21/2011 1:46 PM, Stephen wrote:
>> On 21/05/2011 8:58 PM, stbenge wrote:
>>> I was going from what I could find here:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_architecture and also from the few
>>> buildings I've seen by Frank Lloyd Wright. There are some interesting
>>> ideas spanning many different styles, but by and large, most designs
>>> tend toward the utilitarian (form follows function) and simplistic.But
>>> I won't deny that there /are/ some buildings that manage to be useful
>>> /and/ look good.
>> Well you are not alone in your views. I could say that you are in the
>> company of Prince Charles but I'm not that cruel. ;-)
>> This is a difficult subject to be objective about.
>> I saw many examples of attractive buildings in the link you posted. But
>> then I was brought up in Glasgow, a very industrial city in my youth.
> Some of those buildings were just horrible, others were better. My  
> dislike of modern architecture is probably not going to stop me from  
> rendering such things in the future, though. I might have already...
>> I
>> see beauty in lots of industrial settings. I even found the Oil Rigs I
>> worked on had a strange beauty.
> Yeah. There's this old cement plant nearby, totally industrial. Ugly  
> stuff, though strangely captivating. A blast to explore simply for its  
> nightmarish aspect (and the dizzying heights).
>> I wonder, do you like the music of Bach?
> Somewhat.
>>> As a person who loves detailed art and stylized geometry, I find most
>>> modern architecture boring and just a little soul-destroying.
>> I do think that most modern housing is an eyesore.
> Especially when the same design is copied over and over, in a big row :(

I've heard that architects are extremely busy, working long hours. I guess  
they don't have time to be creative with all these scyscrapers you need to  
be more mathematical than creative...

-Nekar Xenos-

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