On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 17:27:20 +0200, Thomas de Groot
<tDOTdegroot@interdotnlanotherdotnet> wrote:
> "Stephen" <mcavoys_at@aoldotcom> schreef in bericht
> news:4d8dfb20@news.povray.org...
>> On 26/03/2011 1:29 PM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>>> What is your impression?
>> 1950's Paris.
> Yes, that was what I was hoping.
>> Except, shouldn't Kathy be dressed more as a ragamuffin?
> Point is: I want to suggest a time mix. In b/w is the period Paris of
> 1951,
> while in color Cathy lives in a much later dimension, unaware of her
> surroundings. Not really convincing maybe, but that is the idea.
>> I look forward to seeing the final render with atmosphere. It makes me
>> want to use/steal the print for my darkroom scene. ;-)
> The atmosphere is already there, but difficult to fine tune. There is a
> subtle scattering media beneath the street lamps which needs to be
> thickened
> a bit probably.
> Thomas
You could try making the scattering media fill the whole scene as in the
photograph. If everything disappears and you need more control, try using
a density_map with 0 density at the camera and high density further away
(that's what I did in my sunflower scene btw).
-Nekar Xenos-
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