And lo on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 06:18:08 -0000, Chambers
<ben### [at] pacificwebguycom> did spake, saying:
> Warp wrote:
>> Phil Cook <phi### [at] nospamrocainfreeservecouk> wrote:
>>>> 4. OMG, how do you *play* with only 3 buttons??
>>> Assuming you're vaguely serious I've got 14 buttons plus two analogue
>>> joysticks, that's a standard pad.
>> FPS games cannot be played with a game controller. It's like trying
>> to
>> play with the keyboard only (no, the analog joysticks don't make it any
>> easier, they actually make it harder). It's a royal pain in the ass.
>> http://warp.povusers.org/grrr/consolefps.html
> And yet, UT3 has sold 10x the number of units on the PS3 as on the PC...
But IIRC you can use a keyboard/mouse with UT3.
That's not the point though
From Warp's link
"You want to quickly look to the right and then to the left to see if
there's anyone there. Additionally you want to quickly also look back the
way you came to see that you have not been followed. With a mouse this can
be done really fast, in under 1 second. With a game controller (or
keyboard) it takes a horrendous amount of time."
I agree a 180 is slower (note though that even some PC games had a quick
180 button), but looking left/right is just as quick as a mouse. Again I
agree aiming at something small (or at a distance) is trickier then with a
Besides the sluggish aim actaully makes it more realistic, take using a
sniper rifle in Killzone for the PS2. The more you zoom in the more small
movements of the stick translate into large alterations, the sight also
moves slightly in game to simulate the person's own movements.
Phil Cook
I once tried to be apathetic, but I just couldn't be bothered
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