POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Old Technology...Bathroom 1960 - Is electric shaving the future? : Re: Old Technology...Bathroom 1960 - Is electric shaving the future? Server Time
22 Dec 2024 15:10:09 EST (-0500)
  Re: Old Technology...Bathroom 1960 - Is electric shaving the future?  
From: Jet Jaguar
Date: 1 Apr 2003 20:07:27
Message: <mpck8vkr26aclpk3rc7cc4nr7lo0v12ive@4ax.com>
The realism of this image is astounding, visually one of my favorites
of the round.  The only real problem I had with the scene is that it
was not clear what the subject was supposed to be without reading the
text file.  I also found it odd that the sink doesn't have any cabinet
doors. :-)

Also a minor nitpick is that the electric razor was invented about
1930 and was popularized in the mid to late 30's.  So really it's not
a scene of a technology in it's formative stages, as electric shaving
was already well established by the 1960's.  I let that slide, though.

Jet Jaguar
Visit my crappy home page at http://home.att.net/~chmilnir/
MSTie #54297

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