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I tried out my baking skills on a loaf of brown bread. Want some?
Steve Shelby
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I expect we shall have to extend the house to another room with the Xmas
dinner table ;-)
Looks tasty, Steve. Again, some darker brown to black around the top would
be good, and the coarse structure of the bread should be increased.
"Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> schreef in bericht
> I tried out my baking skills on a loaf of brown bread. Want some?
> Steve Shelby
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Thanks for the input. I hadn't thought of using a gradient on the crust,
but that makes sense. I'm having a terrible time with the bread texture. The
more coarse I try to make it the less realistic it looks. I even tried using
a bump map from a photograph of a real slice of bread, and even that doesn't
look realistic. I'm beginning to think maybe I have to create several
hundred spheres of varying sizes and create a difference. Someone in the
newsgroup a while back mentioned a plugin called "dublicate", which could be
useful for this, but that thread has been erased from my news server, and I
can't find it in the web version either.
Steve Shelby
"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlnet> wrote in message
> I expect we shall have to extend the house to another room with the Xmas
> dinner table ;-)
> Looks tasty, Steve. Again, some darker brown to black around the top would
> be good, and the coarse structure of the bread should be increased.
> "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> schreef in bericht
> news:3fb52c18@news.povray.org...
> > I tried out my baking skills on a loaf of brown bread. Want some?
> > Steve Shelby
> >
> >
> >
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The "dublicate" thread came from me, incidentally. I attach it here again.
Remember that it will appear under the Tool menu and not with the othe
Otherwise, hmm... I have no ready solution for the bread structure. It seems
so simple (I was thinking also about bump maps or something) but it isn't.
Would an isosurface do the job I wonder? Alternatively, a heightfield from
the photograph?
"Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> schreef in bericht
> Thanks for the input. I hadn't thought of using a gradient on the crust,
> but that makes sense. I'm having a terrible time with the bread texture.
> more coarse I try to make it the less realistic it looks. I even tried
> a bump map from a photograph of a real slice of bread, and even that
> look realistic. I'm beginning to think maybe I have to create several
> hundred spheres of varying sizes and create a difference. Someone in the
> newsgroup a while back mentioned a plugin called "dublicate", which could
> useful for this, but that thread has been erased from my news server, and
> can't find it in the web version either.
> Steve Shelby
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Download 'dublicate2.dll.dat' (68 KB)
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Thank you. I've been trying heightfield, and it produces a perfect texture,
but when I try to combine it with the bread in a difference or intersection,
it won't render properly, and always eventually causes Moray to crash. I
havn't tried isosurface yet, it might work, but render times with
isosurfaces are sooooo slooooowww.
"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlnet> wrote in message
> The "dublicate" thread came from me, incidentally. I attach it here again.
> Remember that it will appear under the Tool menu and not with the othe
> plugins!!
> Otherwise, hmm... I have no ready solution for the bread structure. It
> so simple (I was thinking also about bump maps or something) but it isn't.
> Would an isosurface do the job I wonder? Alternatively, a heightfield from
> the photograph?
> Thomas
> "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> schreef in bericht
> news:3fb62f93$1@news.povray.org...
> > Thanks for the input. I hadn't thought of using a gradient on the
> > but that makes sense. I'm having a terrible time with the bread texture.
> The
> > more coarse I try to make it the less realistic it looks. I even tried
> using
> > a bump map from a photograph of a real slice of bread, and even that
> doesn't
> > look realistic. I'm beginning to think maybe I have to create several
> > hundred spheres of varying sizes and create a difference. Someone in the
> > newsgroup a while back mentioned a plugin called "dublicate", which
> be
> > useful for this, but that thread has been erased from my news server,
> I
> > can't find it in the web version either.
> > Steve Shelby
> >
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Concerning heightfields, you should not use intersection or differences
indeed. Best thing to do is to make the space outside the bread slice black
(height 0) and set the waterlevel at, say 0.1. That way, you only get the
slice rendered and the ouside part is ignored. Nice and effective! The
difficulty would be to position the heightfield perfectly with the bread of
course. For the slice it is less of a problem.
"Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> schreef in bericht
> Thank you. I've been trying heightfield, and it produces a perfect
> but when I try to combine it with the bread in a difference or
> it won't render properly, and always eventually causes Moray to crash. I
> havn't tried isosurface yet, it might work, but render times with
> isosurfaces are sooooo slooooowww.
> Steve
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Thomas de Groot wrote:
> Concerning heightfields, you should not use intersection or differences
> indeed.
Er? I've used heightfields with int/dif before and they work fine...
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> Er? I've used heightfields with int/dif before and they work fine...
So I did, you just have to know that the height_field is infinitely extended
under surface, so to intersect it with a box before a difference could be
a good idea
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Me, too, except that when combined with a mesh2 object it doesn't work right
for me (the heightfield is invisible). And if I play with it long enough, it
makes Moray crash.
Steve Shelby
"Tim Cook" <z99### [at] bellsouthnet> wrote in message
> Er? I've used heightfields with int/dif before and they work fine...
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We're on the same wavelength. I just got done making a heightfield as you
describe, and spent a lot of time getting it to fit exactly. There's
something Moray doesn't like about it. I saved my scene, and then worked on
the slices, and Moray crashed. When I opened the loaf scene again,
everything except the heightfield was gone, even the camera and lights. When
I opened the slice scene, the camera and lights were gone, and when I tried
to select something, Moray crashed. It's too bad, because it looked so good.
Steve Shelby
"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlnet> wrote in message
> Concerning heightfields, you should not use intersection or differences
> indeed. Best thing to do is to make the space outside the bread slice
> (height 0) and set the waterlevel at, say 0.1. That way, you only get the
> slice rendered and the ouside part is ignored. Nice and effective! The
> difficulty would be to position the heightfield perfectly with the bread
> course. For the slice it is less of a problem.
> Thomas
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